# List of possible error, warning and info messages

Errorcode InternalId Message
1101 NO_BOOLEAN 'VAL' cannot be interpreted as a Boolean value
1102 NO_INTEGER 'VAL' cannot be interpreted as an Integer value
1103 NO_DECIMAL 'VAL' cannot be interpreted as a Decimal value
1104 NO_PARAMETER 'MEM' has no parameter 'VAL'
1105 NO_CONSTRUCTOR_IN_RUNNING_SCRIPT There must be a constructor when running the script
1106 TOO_MANY_STRUCT_MEMBERS Struct has more members than it should. Additional member 'MEM'
1111 DIVIDE_BY_ZERO Tried to divide by zero
1112 SQRT_OF_NEGATIVE_VALUE Square root of negative value 'VAL' not possible
1113 NEGATIVE_INDEX_VALUE Can not use negative index value 'VAL' to access 'MEM'
1201 UNKNOWN_SUB_COMPONENT Unknown SubComponent 'CMP'
1202 INACTIVE_SUB_COMPONENT The SubComponent 'CMP' is not active
1203 CANNOT_PARSE_VECTOR_MEMBER 'VAL' can not be parsed for Vector3f-member(MEM)
1204 EXECUTE_INVALID_COMMAND Trying to execute invalid 'CMD' command
1205 GEOMETRY_WITHOUT_PLANCOMPONENT Trying to execute Geometry without PlanComponent
1206 GEOMETRY_WITHOUT_CONFIGURATOR Trying to execute Geometry without Configurator in Component 'CMP'
1207 NON_FLOAT_VECTOR_WITHOUT_FACTORY Non-float vector without a factory! Please report to rml core
1301 INVALID_ARGUMENT Error getting 'VAL' from 'MEM'
1302 FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_ERROR Call to 'FNC' is not valid, check the number and types of parameters
1303 FUNCTION_WRONG_NUMBER_OF_ARGUMENTS Call of function 'FNC' has X arguments, but X were expected.
1304 FUNCTION_WRONG_ARGUMENT_TYPE Argument X of function 'FNC' must be of type X
1305 NO_OF_INDICES_NOT_DIVISIBLE_BY_3 The number of indices (X) in the function 'FNC' is not divisible by 3
1306 WRONG_NO_OF_UVS The number of UVs (X) does not match the number of vertices (X) in the function 'FNC'
1307 WRONG_NO_OF_NORMALS The number of normals (X) does not match the number of vertices (X) in the function 'FNC'
1308 DATA_NOT_FOUND Data 'DAT' not found
1309 FLOAT_OUT_OF_RANGE The float value 'VAL' is out of range
1310 INTEGER_OUT_OF_RANGE The integer value 'VAL' is out of range
1320 KEYWORD_ARGUMENT_ALREADY_DEFINED Keyword argument 'ARG' ignored, already defined
1321 KEYWORD_ARGUMENT_UNKNOWN Keyword argument 'ARG' unknown for function 'FNC'
1322 KEYWORD_ARGUMENTS_NOT_SUPPORTED_BY_FUNCTION Keyword arguments not supported for function 'FNC'
1401 ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND Element not found at given index 'X'
1402 NOT_AN_ARRAY 'ARR' is not an array
1403 ARRAY_NOT_INITIALIZED Array 'ARR' is not initialized
1404 ARRAY_OUT_OF_BOUNDS Index (X out of bounds [X,X]) in array 'ARR'
1405 POP_BACK_EMPTY_ARRAY popBack empty array 'ARR'
1406 DIFFERENT_ARRAY_TYPE Array 'ARR' (TYPE) of different type then 'ARR' (TYPE)
2101 KERNEL_INITIALIZED Version X.X.X initialized
2102 DIRECT_SUBCOMPONENT_UPDATE Trying to update subcomponent 'CMP' directly
2103 ARTICLE_NR_SCRIPT_NOT_OPTIMIZABLE Only articleNrs requested, but articleNrScript not optimizable! Falling back to full variantlist
2104 MISSING_PARAM_KEYS_WHEN_GENERATING_ARTICLE_NRS Missing wanted ParamKeys when generating only articleNrs. Results might be wrong
2105 SHARED_STRINGS_TOKEN_ALLOWED Shared strings in token allowed
2106 CONST_STRUCT_ALLOWED Efficient const-struct handling is activated
2201 DOCKING_PARENT_NOT_FOUND Docking: Parent with ID 'ID' not found
2202 DOCKING_NEW_CHILD_NOT_FOUND Docking: New child with ID 'ID' not found
2203 DOCKING_CHILD_REMOVED_ITSELF Docking: Child with ID 'ID' removed itself while docking
2299 DOCKING_UNKNOWN_ERROR Docking: Unknown error docking component 'CMP'
3101 CANNOT_TRIANGULATE_PRISM Cannot triangulate prism properly
3102 NOT_ALL_MESHES_HAVE_A_MATERIAL Not all meshes have a material assigned
3201 PARENT_DOCKING_DISABLED_WHILE_DOCKING Parent docking disabled while docking
3202 CHILD_DOCKING_DISABLED_WHILE_DOCKING Child docking disabled while docking
3203 MULTIPLE_SELF_REFERENCES Multiple self-references in component 'CMP' are ignored
3204 VALID_CHILDREN_ARE_DEPRECATED validChildren is deprecated. Please use the much more powerful possibleChildren
3205 ASSIGNMENT_IN_SELF_REFERENCING_SUBCOMPONENT Assignments in the self-referencing sub-component 'CMP' are ignored
3206 UNIT_TYPE_IS_IGNORED The value 'VAL' of the 'PAR' parameter has labels, so the parameter's unitType is ignored
3207 MULTIPLE_IDENTICALLY_VALUES X value objects with value 'VAL'
3208 ERROR_SETTING_PARAMETER Error setting parameter 'PAR': 'ERR'
3209 MULTIPLE_PARAMETER_UPDATES_IN_ON_VALUE_CHANGE_LOOP Parameter 'PAR' updated more than twice in onValueChange Loop
3210 UPDATE_LOOP 'SCR' lead to updateLoop
Configurator/Component/Geometry construction
3301 BOOLEAN_3D_NO_OBJECTS Tried to perform a boolean geometry operation without first generating 2 geometries
3302 BOOLEAN_3D_ERROR Error in boolean operation
3303 BOOLEAN_3D_GROUPS Boolean 'OPR' operations with groups are not possible
3311 PLAN_INTERACTION_NO_OBJECT Tried to perform a plan interaction operation without geometry
3312 PLAN_INTERACTION_PRIOR_BOOLEAN_3D_OPERATION 'OPR' operations prior to Boolean 'OPR' operation is not allowed
3401 UNKNOWN_RESTRICTION_TARGET Unknown restriction target 'TRG'
3402 JSON_INVALID_ELEMENT JSON had invalid elements in string, please fix 'JSN'
3403 INVALID_CHARACTER_IN_ID Invalid character 'VAL' in ID
3404 MISSING_COLON_IN_ID Missing colon in ID
3405 MULTIPLE_COLON_IN_ID More than one colon found in ID
3501 CANNOT_ASSIGN_VALUE Can't assign value to 'VAL'
3502 SAME_ID_FOR_MULTIPLE_SUBCOMPONENTS Multiple subcomponents have same internalId 'ID'
3601 ADDITIONAL_DIMENSION_IN_VECTOR Additional dimension with value 'VAL' in Vector3f
4101 INVALID_WALL Invalid wall: Start node and end node are the same (NOD)
4102 ADD_OBJECT_TO_GROUP_IN_PLAN Adding an Object to a group once its added to the plan is not supported
4103 NO_OBJECT_FOR_BOUNDARIES Boundaries cannot be calculated because no objects are loaded
4104 XML_MISSING_NODE_REFERENCE_FROM_FLOOR Error reading xml:missing a node referenced from floor
5101 CALCULATED_NORMALS_NOT_SANE Calculated normals are not sane
5102 NO_MESH_CALLBACK_FOR_ELEMENT No mesh callback implemented for that element
5103 ERROR_DECODING_CORTO Error decoding corto 'COR'
6101 EXPECTED_VALUE It is expected that 'VAL' is a value
6102 EXPECTED_ARRAY It is expected that 'ARR' is an array
6103 EXPECTED_OBJECT It is expected that 'OBJ' is an object
6104 INVALID_KEY The 'KEY' key is invalid
6201 ACCESS_NOT_ALLOWED DIR-access to 'MEM' is not allowed
6202 KEY_NOT_FOUND Key not found: 'KEY'
7101 IMOSIX_EXPORT_MODULE Module created from component 'ID' cannot be exported to IMOS iX
99001 MISSING_IMOS_VALUE Missing IMOS 'IMO', fallback to dimension