# HOMAG TC export format

The format is used to present articles specified with the Rubens-Configurator in the context of TC. It is the interface between the world of Roomle and the world of TC.
The export document is a JSON-file. It contains a format version, headers, walls and articles. Each article consists of modules, which in turn can consist of modules.
The format should be kept as simple as possible, but as flexible as necessary. The export should be easy to configure in simple cases, but special cases should still be able to be defined. The freedom to define complex use cases should not lead to the need for a verbose and over-complicated specification for simple cases.

# Format specification


Each export document must contain information about the version with which it was created. Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 (opens new window) is used for versioning. Major version changes mean a general format change and incompatibility. Minor version changes are for extending the format, but remain backwards compatibility. For bug fixes, only the patch version changes.


not yet defined


not yet defined


An article is a essential part or component of the configuration and planning. An article is composed of modules. Each article must be assigned to a header object and can be assigned to a wall. The article needs to contain general information about position size and type of an object.


Modules are the components of articles and can be nested. A module can therefore consist of modules. A module contains all the individual information to describe the product and its specification in detail. Because this information is highly dependent on the type of the article and module, it mainly consists of a list of key-value pairs that specify an object's attributes.

# Service export JSON Objects

Document : { 
    "version": String,
    "articles": [ 
Article : {
    "constructionLibrary": "<name>",
    "version": "<version>",
    "moduleId": "<name>",
    "origin": [<x>, <y>, <z>],
    "size": [<width>, <depth>, <height>],
    "attributes": AttributesObject,
    "modules": [ 
Module : {
    "moduleId": "<name>",
    "attributes": AttributesObject,
    "modules": [ 
AttributesObject : {
    ("<key>" : "<value>")*


name description
constructionLibrary The name of the construction library (HOMAG TC)
version The version of the construction library
articleId The name of the article (HOMAG TC)
description Description of the article (HOMAG TC)
orderlineNo Orderline number of the article (unique)
quantity Quantity of the article / Default 1
groupId Group of articles forming a constructive article in the TC
note Additional text
moduleId The unique name of the module inside the construction libraray (HOMAG TC)
origin The origin of the article in the Rubens configuration or plan (*1)
size The bounding box size the article (*1)

*1) In computer science, it is always about the accuracy of floating point numbers. For example, the value 0.05 cannot be represented exactly as an IEEE-754 floating point number and will be 0.0500000007. 0.0500000007 is not a problem itself as long as it is always treated the same. However, such errors propagate and multiply in the calculation. As a workaround, we round the positions and dimensions of the components to 4 decimal places. Since the unit is always millimetres, 4 decimal places correspond to 0.1 micrometres. This accuracy is still more than enough for furniture manufacturing.


    "version": "1.0.0",
    "articles": [
            "moduleId": "mr_StorageUnit_Single",
            "origin": [-444.8431396484375, -337.25592041015625, 0.0],
            "size": [451.0, 345.00006103515625, 721.0],
            "constructionLibrary": "bathlibrary_ts",
            "version": "2022-11-08_19-23-31.0000000",
            "attributes": {
                "pub_Width": 450.0,
                "pub_Height": 720.0,
                "pub_Depth": 345.0,
                "pub_CarcaseProgram": "?",
            "modules": [
                    "moduleId": "mf_Dorr",
                    "attributes": {
                        "view": "open",
                        "pub_Width": 450.0,
                        "pub_Depth": 345.0,
                        "pub_Height": 720.0,
                        "pub_FrontHeight": 190.0,
                        "pub_FrontProgram": "?",
                        "pub_FrontColor": "Holz",
                        "pub_FrontEdgeColor": "Alpinweiss",
                        "pub_FrontEdgeThk": 16.0,
                        "pub_FrontHeight_changed": true,
                        "pub_NrOfShelves": 0.0
                    "modules": [ ... ]
            "moduleId": "mr_StorageUnit_Single",
            "origin": [5.1568450927734375, -337.25592041015625, 0.0 ],
            "size": [451.0, 345.00006103515625, 721.0],
            "constructionLibrary": "bathlibrary_ts",
            "version": "2022-11-08_19-23-31.0000000",
            "attributes": {

# Export

The format definition, the plugin and the export are based on the following rules:

  • No implicit assumptions
  • Additional properties must be specified explicitly
  • A default format export must work without explicit plug-in data specification

PlanComponent and SubPart are objects in the context of Roomle and the Rubens-Configurator that describe the configuration of the components and their assembly. Article and Module are the objects in the export format that provide the configuration specification for the world of CSW.

The objects in the target format are generated from the configuration objects with the following rules:

  1. The root PlanComponent becomes an Article.
  2. All parameters of a PlanComponent become attributes of the Article.
  3. Each Child or SubPart becomes a Module.
  4. All parameters of a SubPart become attributes of the Module.
  5. The SubPart hierarchy is reflected in the Module hierarchy. Nested Children become nested Modules.

Although this specification allows a complete export of a configuration without additional data, these general rules do not cover all practical use cases and are not sufficient for a good external presentation. These rules must be customizable for individual components. Therefore, specific plug-in data can be defined in a component definition. These plug-in data are specified in the following.