
# Overview

# Description

Path /v2/statistics

Provides statistic information about different parts in roomle

To retrieve tenant statistics (subpath tenants/:id/) the user needs TENANT_STATISTICS rights within this tenant.

# API Reference

# GET tenants/:id/useractions/

Generates: application/json , text/csv

returns the monthly-aggregated useractions within this tenant. possible filters:

  • module
  • action (only allowed with module filter is also present)

sample results:


please note that the date is the date of the first userAction that appeared within the aggregation period (in this case months)

# GET tenants/:id/userActionsAggregated

Generates: application/json

Returns the aggregated UserActions in the list for the specified tenant, module and actions in the time frame (from-to) If the time frame is incomplete/absent, the current month is returned If aggregations[] are posted, the results are additionaly aggregated by the posted parameters as well


  • id (Long): the tenantId query-param:
  • module (Integer): id of the requested Module
  • actions[] (List of Integer): List of integers of the Actions
  • from (String): has to be a date string with timezone. This string has to match following example 2016-06-01T07:54:07.000Z.
  • to (String): has to be a date string with timezone. This string has to match following example 2016-06-01T07:54:07.000Z.
  • aggregations[] (List of String) : List of parameters by which the UserActions are additionaly aggregated - More info

# aggregations[]

The list can contain only specific strings, which equal columns in the DB. These are:

  • country
  • device
  • actionLabel - it is used by the configurator for storing the configuratorId
  • actionId - it is used by the configurator to store the item/configuration ID Any other strings will be rejected with a 400 error

sample results:

  "userActions": [
      "module": 4,
      "action": 1,
      "tenant": 2,
      "count": 49,
      "aggregationLevel": 0
      "module": 4,
      "action": 3,
      "tenant": 2,
      "count": 2,
      "aggregationLevel": 0
  "meta": {
    "total": 2,
    "serverTime": "2021-04-15T08:55:20.421Z"

# GET tenants/:id/configurations

Generates: application/json , text/csv


  • id (Long): the tenantId query-param:
  • from (String): has to be a date string with timezone. This string has to match following example 2016-06-01T07:54:07.000Z.
  • to (String): has to be a date string with timezone. This string has to match following example 2016-06-01T07:54:07.000Z.
  • configuratorId (String) : Configurator id of the requested statistics
  • actions[] (List of Integer): List of integers of the Actions - only supported actions will be returned

If configuratorId is provided, the data is filtered to this configurator. Otherwise all tenant data is returned. Note: If the timeframe is missing or incomplete (from and/or to are missing) the call will return the statistic for the last 30 days


  • link - link to the configuration
  • thumbnail - thumbnail to the configuration perspective image
  • created - date of creation - in aggregated entries it is the time of start of aggregation period
  • action - string identifier of the action
  • actionParameter - additional data regarding the action
  • count
  • aggregationLevel - string representation of aggregation level
    • possible values:
      • real time - un-aggregated
      • daily - aggregated by day
      • montlhy - aggregated by month Additional columns - depending on the requested action:
      • userEmail - email of user who saved the configuration - users without consent are not returned as well as users of aggregated entries
      • partList - a serialized json containing the part list of the configuration

sample results:

          "label":"Frame without door",
    , ...
"https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?id=conf:igu:rationB1AER98B1AE98RB1E98RB1","https://url.to.perspective/image1.jpg","2021-09-21T12:17:59.968Z","Saved Configuration","",1,"real time","email.with@consent.com","{""originPart"":{""articleNr"":""article1"",""count"":1,""label"":""Frame without door"",""component_id"":""frameComponent"",...}"
"https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?id=conf:igu:rationF1V9AE8RB1AE98RB1ER98B","https://url.to.perspective/image2.jpg","2021-07-21T00:00:00.000Z","Saved Configuration","",5,"daily","","{""originPart"":{""articleNr"":""article2"",""count"":1,""label"":""Frame with door"","component_id"":""frameWithDoorComponent"",...}"
"https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?id=catalog:item:NI1816321831681POOLKM484","https://url.to.perspective/image3.jpg","2021-02-01T00:00:00.000Z","Saved Configuration","",27,"monthly","","{""originPart"":{""articleNr"":""article3"",""count"":1,""label"":""Door"",""component_id"":""doorComponent"",...}"
"https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?id=conf:igu:rationB1AER98B1AE98RB1E98RB1","https://url.to.perspective/image1.jpg","2021-09-21T12:17:59.968Z","View","",1,"real time","",""

please note that the date is the date of the first userAction that appeared within the aggregation period