This example shows a simple case of a product configurator: A product that comes in several colors. A step-by-step guide to achieve such a configurator is included.
Copy {
"id" : "demoCatalogId:example_storagebox" ,
"label" : "
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:silver_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Silver Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:lightblue_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Light Blue Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:darkgrey_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Dark Grey Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:bronze_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Bronze Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:white_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - White Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:orange_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Orange Metallic'; }
if (language == 'de') {
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:silver_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Silber Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:lightblue_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Light Blue Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:darkgrey_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Dark Grey Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:bronze_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Bronze Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:white_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - White Metallic'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:orange_metallic') { label = 'Storage Box - Orange Metallic'; }
" ,
"parameters" : [
"key" : "material" ,
"type" : "Material" ,
"labels" : {
"en" : "Colour" ,
"de" : "Farbe"
} ,
"defaultValue" : "demoCatalogId:silver_metallic" ,
"validValues" : [
"demoCatalogId:silver_metallic" ,
"demoCatalogId:lightblue_metallic" ,
"demoCatalogId:darkgrey_metallic" ,
"demoCatalogId:bronze_metallic" ,
"demoCatalogId:white_metallic" ,
] ,
"visible" : true ,
"visibleInPartList" : true
] ,
"geometry" : "
AddExternalMesh('demoCatalogId:storagebox_lid', Vector3f{1010, 459.6, 52}, Vector3f{ -505, -229.8, 557.8});
AddExternalMesh('demoCatalogId:storagebox_nuts', Vector3f{953.2, 408.2, 379.6}, Vector3f{ -476.6, -204.1, 44.9});
AddExternalMesh('demoCatalogId:storagebox_handles', Vector3f{62.6, 42.4, 23.1}, Vector3f{ -31.3, 187.1, 506});
AddExternalMesh('demoCatalogId:storagebox_legs', Vector3f{936.7, 392.3, 16.2}, Vector3f{ -468.2, -195.8, 0});
AddExternalMesh('demoCatalogId:storagebox_frame', Vector3f{948.8, 404, 576.1}, Vector3f{ -474.4, -202, 14.4});
" ,
"articleNr" : "
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:silver_metallic') { articleNr = '100.200.300'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:lightblue_metallic') { articleNr = '100.200.301'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:darkgrey_metallic') { articleNr = '100.200.302'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:bronze_metallic') { articleNr = '100.200.303'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:white_metallic') { articleNr = '100.200.305'; }
if (material == 'demoCatalogId:orange_metallic') { articleNr = '100.200.307'; }
Copy "material_id", "label_de", "label_en", "shading", "visibilityStatus", "active", "tex0_mapping", "tex0_mmHeight", "tex0_mmWidth","tex0_tileable","tex0_image"
"silver_metallic", "Silber-metallic", "Silve Metallic", "{""alpha"":1,""roughness"":0.5,""metallic"":0,""specularity"":0.7,""basecolor"":{""r"":0.78,""g"":0.78,""b"":0.78}}", "0", "1", "XYZ", "10", "10","true","zip://textures/metallic_xyz.png"
"lightblue_metallic", "Hellblau-metallic", "Light Blue Metallic", "{""alpha"":1,""roughness"":0.5,""metallic"":0,""specularity"":0.7,""basecolor"":{""g"":0.95,""r"":0.82,""b"":1}}", "0", "1", "XYX", "10", "10","true","zip://textures/metallic_xyz.png"
"darkgrey_metallic", "Dunkelgrau-metallic", "Dark Grey Metallic", "{""alpha"":1,""roughness"":0.5,""metallic"":0,""specularity"":0.7,""basecolor"":{""r"":0.25098039215686274,""g"":0.25098039215686274,""b"":0.25098039215686274}}", "0", "1", "XYX", "10", "10","true","zip://textures/metallic_xyz.png"
"bronze_metallic", "Bronze-metallic", "Bronze Metallic", "{""alpha"":1,""roughness"":0.5,""metallic"":0,""specularity"":0.7,""basecolor"":{""r"":0.4823529411764706,""g"":0.41568627450980394,""b"":0.2980392156862745}}", "0", "1", "XYX", "10", "10","true","zip://textures/metallic_xyz.png"
"white_metallic", "Weiß-metallic", "White Metallic", "{""alpha"":1,""roughness"":0.5,""metallic"":0,""specularity"":0.7,""basecolor"":{""r"":0.9137254901960784,""g"":0.9137254901960784,""b"":0.9137254901960784}}", "0", "1", "XYX", "10", "10","true","zip://textures/metallic_xyz.png"
"orange_metallic", "Orange-metallic", "Orange", "{""alpha"":1,""roughness"":0.5,""metallic"":0,""specularity"":0.7,""basecolor"":{""g"":0.67,""r"":1,""b"":0.05}}", "0", "1", "XYX", "10", "10","true","zip://textures/metallic_xyz.png"