Coordinate Systems

(a) Left handed coordinate system (b) Right handed coordinate system

wiki - Right-hand rule

Input coordinate system

Roomle Script Coordinate System

The coordinate system for the component definitions JSON and the configuration JSON is a left handed coordinate system.

    "id": "catalog_id:coordinate_system",
    "geometry": "
        AddPrism(1000, Vector2f[{0, 0}, {2000, 0}, {0, 1000}]);

Plan XML Coordinate System

Left handed coordinate system

<plan version="2">
            <node rights="0" id="0" x="0" y="2000" z="0" />
            <node rights="0" id="1" x="0" y="0" z="0" />
            <node rights="0" id="2" x="4000" y="0" z="0" />
            <edge rights="0" from="0" to="1" color="#000000" height="2800" thickness="120" />
            <edge rights="0" from="1" to="2" color="#000000" height="2800" thickness="120" />
    <planobjects />

Object position in PlanXML

Left handed coordinate system

Internal Roomle Core Coordinate System


Right handed coordinate system

This is also the coordinate system of all the meshes generated by the Configurator


Right handed coordinate system

External Mesh Coordinate System

Right handed coordinate system

o Prism
v 0 0 0
v 2000 0 0
v 0 -1000 0
v 0 0 1000
v 2000 0 1000
v 0 -1000 1000
f 1 2 3 
f 4 6 5 
f 1 3 6
f 1 6 4 
f 2 1 4
f 2 4 5
f 3 2 5
f 3 5 6

API Coordinate System

The API coordinate system is a right handed coordinate system and the same as the internal Roomle Core coordinate system.

  • Configurator API

    • Positions and rotations: Right handed, internal Roomle Core coordinate system

    • Meshes: Right handed, internal Roomle Core coordinate system

  • Planner API

    • Object positions: Right handed, internal Roomle Core coordinate system

    • Meshes: Right handed, internal Roomle Core coordinate system

Last updated