Path /v2/assets
Asset Analyzer
The assetAnalyzer is a syncronous call to the digital asset pipe - DAP, which returns an analysis of the posted 3D asset and a link to a .glb file to show in the front end.
Asset processing
A post to assetProcessing contains 3D assets, that are to be prepared and optimized by the digital asset pipe - DAP and then added to the item for which they were posted. The operation is asyncronous and the user is notified of the success/failure of the processing by email.
API Reference
POST /analyze
Generates: json Consumes: MultipartFormData
threeDimensionalAsset (file) : the source file to be processed (zip or tar.gz)
threeDimensionalAssetUrl (string) : URL to the source file
If a threeDimensionalAssetUrl is given, the threeDimensionalAsset is ignored and the file from the Url is taken as a source.
PUT /processings/:id
Generates: json Consumes: MultipartFormData
Path paremeters: {id} - the id of the item to which we are adding the assets
"assetResult" -> String, json for the assetPipe
Accepted file formats:
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