Adding items to the scene

It’s possible to add additional products/items/configurations to the scene using the insertObject API:

await interface.ui.insertObject('usm:frame');

By default the object is placed somewhere where it does not overlap with other items in the scene. You can also supply a position and a rotation for the object in the scene:

await interface.ui.insertObject('usm:frame', { x: -3, y: 0, z: 3 }, Math.PI);

Position (2nd parameter) is in meters and the rotation (3rd parameter) is in radians.

Gets called when something is changed in the plan

It is possible to implement a behavior which gets called when there is something changed in the plan. It gets all objects of the plan as parameter.

interface.ui.callbacks.onPlanUpdate = (objects) => doSomething;

React on specific plan element changes

You can react to certain plan element changes using the onPlanElementChanged(changeType) callback.

Depending on what happened, the changeType parameter can be:

  • added: When a new plan element is added to the scene

  • removed: When an existing plan element gets removed

  • changed: When a plan element is changed, like rotated or moved. But also when it is added or removed

  • updated: When the configuration of a configurable product inside the scene is updated.

You can try and play around with this example here: (opens new window)

React when tooltip is closed by controls button

You can react on any time when a tooltip is closed on controls button click As a parameter you get the name of the tooltip, e.g. "stopConfiguring"

interface.ui.callbacks.onTooltipClose = (tooltipName) => doSomething;

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