
In this section you find everything to know, how to integrate our configurator into an existing website.

You will learn what events in Rubens are and when they are fired, so you can:

  • Listen to the request product button

  • How to react on parts list changes

  • Listen to analytic events

  • Overriding buttons

  • ... everything you want to do with our events

Moreover, you will be able to use our java script api function and can add custom elements on the top of our UI:

  • Implement you own custom buttons

  • Trigger 3D scene functions

  • Change parameter code wise

  • ... everything you can do with our variaty of api functions

Code Sandbox

If you want to have just a quick look or want to copy paste an example, you can have a look in this sample Code Sandbox.

Rubens UI Events: ExposedCallbacks.ExposedCallbacks Rubens SDK Events: ServicesConfiguratorUiCallback.default

Rubens UI API functions: ExposedApi.ExposedApi Rubens SDK API functions: RoomleConfigurator.default

Last updated