Add products from an external catalog

To integrate an external catalog into Rubens Room Designer and add products seamlessly to your design scenes, follow these steps:

  1. Attach Events to Product Cards: Before you can make products interact from the external catalog to the Room Designer, ensure that you attached the proper events to it like insertProduct event, See the sample script below.

  2. Provide Event Data: you must adhere to the following API structure. This structure specifies the format for the message object that will be sent to the Room Designer, including the eventType and payload fields, which includes the productId.

export interface MessageEventData {
  eventData: {
    eventType: 'insertProduct';
    payload: {
      productId: string;
  1. Ensure CORS Compatibility: Make sure that the external catalog is embeddable. For more information see CORS Integration Guide

Integration Example

You can use the following code as a reference for implementing interaction features with the Room Designer. This script adds necessary actions based on the data-product-id attribute to handle product addition to the Room Designer scene. Customize this script to meet your specific requirements:

const EVENTS_MAP = {
        CLICK: { eventName: "insertProduct", nativeEventName: "click" }

      const sendEvent = (eventType, productId) => {
        const parentWindow = window.parent;
        if (parentWindow) {
          const eventData = {
            payload: {
          parentWindow.postMessage({ eventData }, "*");

      const addEventHandlers = ({ eventName, nativeEventName }) => {
        const elementsWithEvent = document.querySelectorAll(
        elementsWithEvent.forEach((element) => {
          const productId = element.getAttribute("data-product-id");
          const eventHandler = (event) => {
            sendEvent(eventName, productId);

          element.addEventListener(nativeEventName, eventHandler);

      const removeEventHandlers = ({ nativeEventName }) => {
        const elementsWithEvent = document.querySelectorAll(
        elementsWithEvent.forEach((element) => {
          if (element.eventHandler) {
            element.removeEventListener(nativeEventName, element.eventHandler);
            delete element.eventHandler;

      const addClickHandlers = () => {

      const removeEventListeners = () => {

      window.addEventListener("load", () => {

      window.addEventListener("beforeunload", removeEventListeners);

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