
POST /v2/userSettings

Creates or updates settings for the currently logged in user.

  • metric: if metric units should be used

  • measurements: if measurements in the plan should be shown

  • area: if the areas should be shown in the plan

  • furnitureSnap: if furniture should snap to walls

  • roomHeight: default room height in mm

  • parapetHeight: default parapetHeight in mm

  • wallThickness: default wall thickness in mm

Accepts: application/json

Generates: application/json


    "userSetting": {
        "metric": true,
        "measurements": false,
        "area": false,
        "furnitureSnap": false,
        "roomHeight": 2800,
        "parapetHeight": 900,
        "wallThickness": 250

All fields are optional, shown are the default values.

Response success (200 OK):

    "userSetting": {
        "id": "<settingsId>",
        "user": "<userId>",
        "metric": true,
        "measurements": false,
        "area": false,
        "furnitureSnap": false,
        "roomHeight": 2800,
        "parapetHeight": 900,
        "wallThickness": 250

Last updated