
Right after login to Rubens Admin you see the dashboard view. On top of the dashboard, you will see a "Whats new" section, which gives you an overview of the biggest news in Rubens every quarter.

Depending on the active features of your tenant account, different panels might be shown.

Rubens statistics

When a configurator is set up for your tenant, the Rubens statistics will be displayed in the dashboard. For details on how to use the configuratorId see Embedding Integration.

The Rubens statistics panel gives you an overview of the usages of embedded Rubens configurators. The numbers of Views, Saved configurations and 3d exports are displayed for the current month.

  • Views shows the number of product views in the current period of time. Each time opening a product with the Rubens configurator counts as one view.

  • Conversions counts the number of checkout calls in Rubens.

  • AR views shows the number of AR (Augmented Reality) calls. Counts every click on the Show product in room button.

  • Saved configurations is the number of configurations saved for a product using the selected configurator.

  • 3D exports counts the number of 3D exports per product with the selected configurator.

You can see the Configurator ID in the panel header next to the time period. If you use multiple configurators within your tenant account, you can choose the configurator in the select box next to the time period.

More analytical data such as for saved configurations can be found under Analytics.

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