Getting started

Initial commit

First of all we need to add @roomle/web-sdk to our npm dependencies and setup a build process. To finally load something you will need to do the following:

    import RoomleSdk from "@roomle/web-sdk";
    // set the URL from where you want to load
    // the data, normally that's
        customApiUrl: "",

    const glbViewerawait = RoomleSdk.getGlbViewer();
    glbViewerApi = await glbViewer.getApi();
    const scene = document.querySelector(".scene");
    await glbViewerApi.init(scene);
    // Load a static item by the id
    await glbViewerApi.loadStaticItem("roomle_content_demo:kitchenware003");

Loading different items

If you finished step one you where already able to load a static item. You only need to bind the method loadStaticItem to a click event. We suggest something like:

const loadObject = async (id: string) => {
  await glbViewerApi.loadStaticItem(id);

Opening AR

To open AR you can use the quick-look features of Android and iOS. For Android a GLB is needed and for iOS a USDZ file.

To fetch the URL of the GLB you can use the module Rapi Access. This works as follows:

const rapiAccess = await RoomleSdk.getRapiAccess();
const itemData = await rapiAccess.getItem(initialId);
const { assets } = await rapiAccess.getItem(id);
const arUrl = isIOs() ? assets.usdz.url : createAndroidARUrl(assets.glb.url);

For platform specific details please visit one of the following links:

Code Sandbox

Since we only showed the relevant code in the snippets it's time to have a look on the working example. You can find it here in our CodeSandbox example.

Last updated