
You can override the font of the Rubens Configurator with an individual font. All labels in the Rubens Configurator are then displayed with the new font. When using a custom font make sure you understand the legal implications. For example: copyright law, data protection law, etc. are topics which have to be considered before you use an individual font.

If you want to use an individual font, you can use the parameters fonts.source and in the embedding options for that.

fonts.source needs to be a valid url to a font file CSS. Similar to what Google Fonts provides. For an example see:,400,700&display=swap&subset=latin-ext The font should provide the following weights: 300, 400, 700 If you use the URL as a query param make sure to use encodeURIComponent needs to be a valid CSS font family name. If you use font family as a query param make sure to use encodeURIComponent

const configurator = await RoomleConfiguratorApi.createConfigurator(
    fonts: {
      source: " Display",
      family: "Playfair Display",

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