Path /v2/statistics
Provides statistic information about different parts in roomle
To retrieve tenant statistics (subpath tenants/:id/
) the user needs TENANT_STATISTICS rights within this tenant.
API Reference
GET tenants/:id/useractions/
Generates: application/json , text/csv
returns the monthly-aggregated useractions within this tenant. possible filters:
action (only allowed with module filter is also present)
sample results:
please note that the date is the date of the first userAction that appeared within the aggregation period (in this case months)
GET tenants/:id/userActionsAggregated
Generates: application/json
Returns the aggregated UserActions in the list for the specified tenant, module and actions in the time frame (from-to) If the time frame is incomplete/absent, the current month is returned If aggregations[] are posted, the results are additionaly aggregated by the posted parameters as well
id (Long): the tenantId query-param:
module (Integer): id of the requested Module
actions[] (List of Integer): List of integers of the Actions
from (String): has to be a date string with timezone. This string has to match following example
.to (String): has to be a date string with timezone. This string has to match following example
.aggregations[] (List of String) : List of parameters by which the UserActions are additionaly aggregated - More info
The list can contain only specific strings, which equal columns in the DB. These are:
actionLabel - it is used by the configurator for storing the configuratorId
actionId - it is used by the configurator to store the item/configuration ID Any other strings will be rejected with a 400 error
sample results:
GET tenants/:id/configurations
Generates: application/json , text/csv
id (Long): the tenantId query-param:
from (String): has to be a date string with timezone. This string has to match following example
.to (String): has to be a date string with timezone. This string has to match following example
.configuratorId (String) : Configurator id of the requested statistics
actions[] (List of Integer): List of integers of the Actions - only supported actions will be returned
If configuratorId is provided, the data is filtered to this configurator. Otherwise all tenant data is returned. Note: If the timeframe is missing or incomplete (from and/or to are missing) the call will return the statistic for the last 30 days
link - link to the configuration
embedId - configuratorId used for the action
thumbnail - thumbnail to the configuration perspective image
created - date of creation - in aggregated entries it is the time of start of aggregation period
module - int number representing the module
action - int number representing the action
actionParameter - additional data regarding the action
aggregationLevel - string representation of aggregation level
possible values:
real time - un-aggregated
daily - aggregated by day
montlhy - aggregated by month Additional columns - depending on the requested action:
userEmail - email of user who saved the configuration - users without consent are not returned as well as users of aggregated entries
partList - a serialized json containing the part list of the configuration
sample results:
please note that the date is the date of the first userAction that appeared within the aggregation period
Last updated