
Create Meshes For Configurations

The coordinate system within the Roomle ConfigurationScript is a left-handed cartesian coordinate system with +Z being the up vector and +Y the forward direction of the model. 1 model unit has to be equal to 1mm real world scale.

Mesh Scale And Orientation

  • Left-handed coordinate system

  • Up vector: Z+

  • Forward direction: Y+

  • Units: One mesh unit represents 1mm real world scale

⚠️ Be aware of a possible scaling factor applied to the coordinates within your 3d application to display the desired real world units on screen!

This information may get lost when exporting to .obj resulting in an unexpected scaled mesh.

In doubt open an ASCII based .obj file in a texteditor and check if then coordinates have a reasonable size (eg. max. ~500-1000 units for a chair).

If you encounter issues with the size of your model, it is recommended to apply a scaling factor on export.

If the model is constructed "in Meters" (1 model unit = 1m) add a multiplication of 1000 on export.

A Model "in Centimeters" (1 model unit = 1cm) has to be upscaled by 10.

When working "in Millimeters" (1 model unit = 1mm) no scaling is needed on export.

UV Scaling

Prepare the UV map to properly view the texture dimensions entered in the material settings.

  1. Export the model like described above

  2. Zip the result and upload to Rubens Admin

  3. Enter the real world sizes for your textures

Meshes list

In the Meshes list, you can see all the meshes of one catalog. To see the list, go to Catalog management, select a catalog and click on Meshes. The overview can be displayed in a List view or a Grid view.

NOTE: Mesh management is not available for Level 1.

Meshes filtering

On the left side of the Meshes page you can see a filter section with the following controls:

  1. Search field: You can enter text into this field to search for meshes with an id.

  2. Status: Show only meshes in the list which match the active status. Valid values are: All, Active meshes, Inactive meshes

Hide meshes

You can hide a mesh by navigating to the mesh's details page. Click on the Hidden checkbox in the Status section on the left and then click Save. In the Meshes overview, you can filter by the hidden meshes in the filter section.

Import or archive meshes

Import meshes

To import a list of meshes, see Import meshes.

Archive meshes

If you do not need the mesh anymore, you can remove it from the meshes list. Hover over the mesh you want to delete and click on the trash icon.

Alternatively you can archive it on the mesh's details page. Click on the red trash can icon in the upper right corner. The mesh still remains in our cloud to maintain connections.

Manage existing meshes

To view an already existing mesh, select it in the Meshes overview and click on it.

On the details page of the mesh you can copy the External identifier and the AddExternalMesh command function and see a Preview of the mesh.

For more details of meshes see 3D Models & Meshes

Last updated