Prerequisities for Roomle Content Scripters
This document sums up recommended skills and prerequisities for scripting Roomle content (= writing component definitions). Note, that a lack in some of these skills does not mean you can't be a good scripter!
Programming skills
ability to design and implement algorithms
a feeling for object oriented programming (components act as objects, including inter-component data interactions)
knowledge of any specific API not required
basic programming consturctions (variables, expressions, conditions, loops, arrays)
code versioning, preferably using Git
ability to write understandable and maintainable high quality code, that follows good practices
3D graphics basics
This theoretical knowledge is not essential for scripting Roomle content, but are highly recommended and advantageous to study eventually:
RGB color space
normal maps
shader values: roughness, metallicity, alpha, etc.
primitives, meshes, sketches, extrusion
vertices, triangles, normals, UVs
transformations: movement, rotation
Other non-mandatory, but advantegeous skills
communicative knowledge of English (we have most documents and task descriptions in English, we also communicate in English or German)
comments and ids should be unviversally written in English
it is an advantage to understand products' origin language (to understand manufacturer's drawings, catalogues etc.)
the most common language of produced configurator outside of English is German
3D vector algebra
position and normal vectors
coordinate systems
CAD, construction, engineering
to understand and be able to measure in drawings, CAD models etc.
3D game engines
experience in 3D game development - Unity3D, Unreal etc.
because there you also bring 3D graphics to live :)
Last updated