
There are two different types of products:

  • Static: upload a static 3D model to show it in the 3D viewer.

  • Configurable: customizable, extendable products where you can change part properties individually.

NOTE: Configurable products are not supported in Level 1.

In the Products overview list you can see all your products in one place. The overview can be displayed in a List view or a Grid view. To change the view, click on the icon in the upper right corner of the overview, next to the search textfield.

To find a product, you can search for the Product name or the External identifier of a product in the search textfield. The search is case-insensitive.

NOTE: If you are not in a Level 1 plan your products are grouped by catalog and you have to select a catalog first.

Create or archive a product

Create a static product

To create a new product

  1. Click on the red plus button inside the overview.

  2. Depending on your level, you must now make the preselection for a 3D viewer. Therefore click on CHOOSE. If you are in Level 1, this step is not relevant for you.

  3. Upload your 3D content. In the section 3D model, select the file using the button CHOOSE FILE or drag and drop the file and click UPLOAD.

  4. You will see a preview of the 3D model and two bars visualising the number of triangles and textures with an indication if this content is ready to use in Rubens Admin. You might see the following indications:

    • Content is Perfect will be indicated in green. The number of triangles and textures is fine for Roomle Rubens.

    • Content is OK for Rubens Admin. It Could be better but still ok and it is marked in yellow.

    • Content analysis numbers are Too high. Please correct your data and upload again! means the content has to be reviewed and should be fixed, because the numbers are too high and it should be below the max number inside the complexity limit reference. Otherwise the fast download times and smooth user experience are at risk.

    You can also see a detailed table which contains all information about the uploaded 3D content. This is helpful to evaluate the quality of the content before creating the product.

  5. Click SAVE to save your product and autogenerate the Product images and the Integration links.

You will be redirected to the Products overview where the Processing icon indicates, that the model is still uploading. As long as the upload is not finished, you can only edit the General information. It may take more than one hour until the importing process is finished.

As soon as the upload is finished, you will be notified by an email. Click on the Go to product button in the email or select the product manually in the overview.

Go to Embed a product to integrate your created product.

Create a configurable product

NOTE: Configurable products are available in Level 2 and higher. Your user account requires Catalog Management Rights. Log in on Rubens Admin, open Catalog management and click on the catalog you want to add configurable products to.

  1. Select Components in the top menu bar. Click on Create component (the red plus button) to create a new component.

    1.1 Fill in the Component name. Choose a natural key for the External identifier.

    1.2 Copy and paste an existing Component definition and Save your changes. If you do not have an existing component you can learn how to script in the scripting course.

  2. Upload "External Meshes" in the Import / Export section to use them inside your scripts.

    2.1 If your component is using basic primitives exclusively, you can skip this point. To improve the loading performance we recommend using External Meshes over the AddMesh command with in-line parameters.

    2.2 Read through the Blender Addon Documentation for details on how to create an "External Mesh" from your 3d model.

  3. Create the materials referenced in the component script.

  4. Create the product based on the component script.

    4.1 Navigate to Products and click on Create product with the red plus button. On the dialog choose Product configurator.

    4.2 Fill in the Product name. Choose a natural key for the External identifier which makes urls more readable.

    4.3 Scroll down to Product details and fill in the required fields Width, Height and Depth. You should add approximate numbers here if you do not know the actual size of the product yet.

    4.4 Scroll down to the Configuration definition section. Select SHOW SCRIPT. Add a basic configuration definition using the root-component’s id. See the following configuration definition snippet:

        "componentId": "yourExternalComponentId"

    Replace the yourExternalComponentId in the code snippet with the External identifier of your component. Navigate to Components and select a component from the list. Copy the External identifier and paste it to the sample configuration definition above. The basic configuration should look like the following:

        "componentId": "product_samples_level2:coffeemachine"

    4.4 Save your changes

    4.5 Click on SHOW CONFIGURATOR in the Configuration definition section to open the configurator view.

    4.6 Refresh the page to load the configuration.

    4.7 You can generate the thumbnails for the product now.

  5. Configure the product

    There are two possible approaches how to configure your product:

    5.1 Configure the product in the configurator view. You can configure the product to set the parameters and save your changes. You can proof this by switching to "SHOW SCRIPT". All parameters are saved.

    NOTE: Parameters set in the configuration will overwrite the default value set in the component.

    5.2 As an alternative approach you can write the parameter values manually in the script. This way default values of the component won’t be overwritten by the item which makes your component more flexible for future changes.

From here you can embed the product on your own website.

If you need to create many configurable products using a lot of components, materials, textures and external geometry the Import / Export section might be helpful for you.

Archive a product

If you do not need the product anymore, navigate to the Products page. Move the cursor to the product, you want to remove and click on the trash can icon that appears. The product will then no longer be displayed in Rubens Admin. Alternatively you can archive it on the product's details page. Click on the red trash can icon in the upper right corner. The product still remains in the cloud to maintain connections, therefore existing integrations are not affected by this.

Product filtering

On the left side of the Products page you can see a filter section with the following controls:

  1. Search field: You can enter text into this field to search for products with an id or label.

  2. Tags: Click on the plus icon to reduce the list to products matching the tag.

  3. Types: Filter according to the product type 3D viewer (static products) or Product configurator (configurable products).

  4. Visibility: Show only products in the list which match the visibility status. Valid values are: All, Visible products, Non-visible products

Embed a product

In the Products overview, select the product you want to embed. Open the product detail page and navigate to the Integration links section.

This section contains various links to work with. The Top image and the Perspective image can be integrated via the link directly or you can open the links in a new browser window and copy the picture to use it.

To embed Roomle Rubens into your webshop, there is an Embed code that is the HTML code that you can simply copy and paste to your website. To give you a better idea of where and how to insert this code, there is a so-called sandbox. Click on the GENERATE SANDBOX button. As soon as the sandbox is created, the button changes its state to Edit on SandBox. Click on it again to open the sandbox. You can also see a complete Integration example, which is helpful if you want to deeply integrate the product into your webshop.

Manage existing products

To edit an already existing product, select it in the Products overview and click on it.

Update the 3D model

To update the 3D model of an existing product

  • drag and drop the file and click UPLOAD or select the file with CHOOSE FILE to upload it under 3D model.

    • Upload as single file in these extensions: .fbx, .obj, .glTF(.gltf + .glb) or .glTF-binary(.glb)

    • or packed as .zip or .tar.gz.

    • If you do not have 3D data files at hand, you can have a look at our sample products.

    • All files have to meet the 3D asset requirements.

It may take more than one hour until the importing process is finished. As soon as the upload is finished, you will be notified by an email. Click on the Go to product button in the email or select the product manually in the overview.

NOTE: The integration links of your products will change by uploading a new 3D model!


Set your Product name and Description and click SAVE in the upper right corner to save your settings. DISCARD will discard your changes.


You can translate and save the name and description of your products in different languages. To do this, navigate to the details page of the product and select the appropriate language in the action bar on the left side above the navigation. Change the name and/or description and click SAVE.

Get product images

The perspective and top images of the product are autogenerated when it is created and the 3D model is defined.

When you configure a product, the images are not automatically regenerated. To get the images of the current configuration, click on Generate images and Save your changes.

It is also possible to upload your own pictures. To do this, delete the generated images by clicking on the trash can icon. After that, you can upload and use your own images as you wish. It is possible to generate images of the current configuration at any time. Note that all existing images, including your own, will then be overwritten.

To get the product images, go to Integration links, copy the links of the Top image or Perspective image and open it in a browser.

Sort products

The easiest way to organize your product list is by sorting it. When creating a product, you can set a numeric value in the left column under the navigation in the Sort order field. If you do not set a value, it will default to 0. For existing products, you can set the value in the Products overview list. Move your cursor over the value of the Sort order column in the row of the respective product. Click on the value or the appeared pencil icon, enter an integer and press Enter or click outside the input field to save the new value.

The rows will not automatically re-sort unless you have sorted the table by Sort order. To do so, click on the Sort order column name.

Create variations

NOTE: The features described below are not available in Level 1.

As soon as you have configurable products, the need to configure and store variations of individual products arises. To create a variation of a product, navigate to the Products overview list.

  • Either navigate to the details page of the product of which you want to create a variation directly here. Scroll down to the Variations section and click the red plus button.

  • Or click on the red plus button directly and then select CHOOSE in the Variation panel and select here the product from which you want to start.

Whichever way you choose, now configure the product in the loaded configurator, enter a Product name and External identifier and click SAVE VARIATION. You can repeat this process as many times as you like. Each saved variation is displayed in a list at the bottom of the page.

Variations created in this way are linked among themselves and are always displayed in the Variations section.

Request renderings

NOTE: The features described below are not available in Level 1.

You can request high quality renderings of your configurable products. To do so, navigate to the detailed view of the desired product. Scroll to the Renderings section and trigger renderings in four steps:

  1. Select all the camera positions you want to render. The schematic figure will give you an idea from which perspective on the product the image will be created.

  2. Select the desired quality, you can choose between 2K and 4K.

  3. Press the `REQUEST RENDERINGS´ button. A dialog will appear with the total number of requested renderings for final confirmation.


As soon as your renderings are ready, you will receive an email with a download link.

Render variations of a product

The description above is used to render an existing product. If you want to request renderings of a product variation, there are two ways to do this.

The first way is to create a variation of the product in the Variations section and request the renderings as described above. The variation will then be saved as a new product and can be retrieved at any time.

The second option is to load a page with the configurator in the Renderings section of the desired product via the RENDER VARIATIONS button. Now configure the product according to your wishes, select the desired rendering parameters and start the renderings via the RENDER VARIATION button. Again, a dialog will appear to confirm the request. In this way, no additional product is created.

NOTE: The RENDER VARIATION button will only become active once you have made a change to the existing product.

Export a 3D model

NOTE: The features described below are not available in Level 1.

Static product

You can export your static product as a 3D file. To do so, navigate to the detailed view of the desired product and scroll to the Export section.

Select the desired file format and click the EXPORT button. The following file types are supported: blend, glb and usdz. Once you click the export button, the file will be downloaded directly.

You can also download the source file you initially used by clicking on the Export source file button.

It is not possible to export if the product does not have previously uploaded 3D content or if the uploaded content is still in progress.

Configurable product

You can export your configurable product as a 3D file. To do so, navigate to the detailed view of the desired product and scroll to the Export section.

Select the desired file format and click the EXPORT button. The following file types are supported: blend, glb, abc, dxf, fbx, dae, x3d, ply, stl, usd, usdz and obj. If you want to export materials in addition to geometry, we recommend blend or glb. fbx is not exporting materials.

Once the export is ready, you will receive an email with a download link.

If you want to export the product again in another format, simply click the START NEW EXPORT button and start from the top.

Export variations of a product

The above description is used to export an existing product. If you want to export a product variation, there are two ways to do this.

The first way is to create a variation of the product in the Variations section and export as described above. The variation will then be saved as a new product and can be retrieved at any time.

The second option is to load a page with the configurator in the Export section of the desired product via the EXPORT VARIATION button. Now configure the product according to your wishes, select the desired File type and start the export via the EXPORT button. In this way, no additional product is created.

NOTE: The EXPORT button will only become active once you have made a change to the existing product.

Static product converter

NOTE: The features described below are not available in Level 1.

You can convert your static product to a configurable product. To do so, navigate to the detailed view of the desired product and scroll to the Convert to Level 2 section.

Click the Convert button and you should see a prompt to enter the product ID of the generated configurable product. Alternatively, you can click on Auto-generated ID and an ID will be generated for you.

As soon as the conversion is finished, you will be notified via e-mail.

To open the product, click the Go to product button in the e-mail or select the product manually in the overview of Rubens Admin.

NOTE: To enable this feature, the catalog should be set to free in the general catalog settings.

Add a product embedded information

There is a possibility to add a tooltip and an embedded URL for Product. This tooltip and the embedded Url can then be shown in Rubens as additional information which makes the user learn more about these products.

To add embedded information to a product

  • Navigate to an already created product.

  • Go to Product Embedded information and then click on Add additional content link.

  • Enter the tooltip value plus an embedded URL and save the form.

  • In order to add different languages to the created information:

    • Change the language from the top left section.

    • Click on the product information from the products information table.

    • Add the new information and then click save.

Note: Ensure entered URLs allow iframe embedding by allowing CORS and checking X-Frame-Options. Learn more

Last updated