

  • GET

  • GET/id

  • POST

  • PUT /id


Path /v2/catalogElementAdditionalInfos

Handles all requests regarding the creation, updates and deletion of CatalogElementAdditionalInfos. There are different types of elements within a catalog that can have additional information attached to them (like components, component-parameters, paramter-values, materials etc.). One information can be applied to multiple parent elements. f.e. one parameter info can be applied to multiple components. Or some material information to multiple materials.

CatalogElementAdditionalInfo JSON object

An example for a CatalogElementAdditionalInfo object.

  "parentIdFilter":"comp1 comp2",
    "de":"mein tipp",


  • id: globally unique id of this element

  • type: type of the information. This defines how the key and parentIdFilter is interpreted. Can be parameter, paramValue, material, component or item

  • key: the key of the element which this info belongs to. Interpretation depends on the type

  • parentIdFilter: space seperated list of ids where to apply this. usually extIds of elements within the catalog

  • catalog: id of the catalog where this information belongs to

  • tooltip: map of language:tooltip pairs containing the tooltip to show for this element in this language

  • fullInfo: json containing additional information linked to the given key. In case of materials/components, the key is the externalId

API Reference


Generates: json

Query element data based on given filters. Catalog filter is mandatory.


  "catalogElementAdditionalInfos": [

available filters

filters can be applied as query parameters

  • catalog : (mandatory) only elementInformation for this catalog will be returned

  • type

  • parentId[] : only valid if type filter is set


Generates: json Accepts: json

creates a new CatalogElementAdditionalInfo object and returns it. body must be a CatalogAdditionalInformation-object serialized as json (see above for an example)

caller needs catalog-mgt rights on the catalog

Response: the created object

PUT /:id

Generates: json Accepts: json

updates the given CatalogElementAdditionalInfo object and returns it. body must be a CatalogAdditionalInformation-object serialized as json (see above for an example)

caller needs catalog-mgt rights on the catalog

Response: the updated object


Generates: json Accepts: json

deletes the given CatalogElementAdditionalInfo object.

caller needs catalog-mgt rights on the catalog

Response: 200 (OK)

Last updated