Material Definition
This is the documentation of Roomle's V2 material. If you are looking for information on legacy materials, look here.
Materials in Roomle are JSON files with defined attributes. One main material JSON and several texture JSON files (one for each texture variant).
Material JSON
Base color
Base color in sRGB color space
If a diffuse texture is present, its texel values will get multiplied with the basecolor in linear color space.
For diffuse reflection, avoid extreme values (0.0 or 1.0) and leave some headroom (min:0.04 and max:0.9).
Example: default white
is perfectly smooth with sharp reflections
is completely matte/dull surface due to lots of microsurface scattering
Default 0.85
Metallness of material
for metals
for dielectrics
A physical material is always either metal or non-metal (conductor or dielectric). Mixed values only make sense to mimic the appearance of layered materials (e.g. a bit of dust on a metal surface)
Default 0.0
Alpha / Opacity
Opacity factor
is completely invisible
completely opaque (the default)
Alpha Mode
Mode how the material is calculated over the background. If now transparency is used in a material stay at default OPAQUE
. Possible values are OPAQUE
, and MASK
Alpha / Transmission
Transmission factor. Useful for creating transparent materials like glass.
If an object is transmissive, its basecolor is used as transmissive color. This is useful to create colored glass.
fully opaque (the default) 1.0
is completely transmissive with (fresnel) reflections and specular highlights
is the transmissive index of refraction (IOR), controlling the angle in which light is refracted when entering/leaving. At the moment this won't have effect in real-time renderings.
Default is IOR of plate glass ( )
Example: clear glass (assuming the basecolor is completely white)
Real-time render related
Alpha cutoff
Alpha testing - use with alpha channel (opacity) texture
Fragment only gets rendered if alpha value is greater than this value.
defaults to 0.0
, meaning no alpha cutoff
Double sided
By default in real-time renderings a back-face culling is applied. This means polygons/triangles are only visible from one side. If doubleSided
is true, they are visible from both sides.
Useful for billboards, semi-transparent fabrics or plant leaves.
Default: false
Occlusion strength
If an occlusion texture is present, its values are scaled by this factor.
results in no occlusion, 1.0
is full occlusion (default).
Emissive Color (RGB multiplier)
Emissive parts of the mesh appear shadeless. This color is an RGB multiplier for an emission map and the result is also multipied by the Emissive Intensity
Emission Map * Emissive Color * Emissive Intensity = EMISSION RESULT
so if either of the values is
the result will be#000000
Emissive Intensity (multiplier)
Multiplier for Emission Map and Emissive Color [0.0 to 1.0]
Clearcoat Intensity (multiplier)
Multiplier for the clearcoat intensity map (CCRG) [0.0 to 1.0]
Clearcoat Roughness (multiplier)
Multiplier for the clearcoat roughness map (CCRG) [0.0 to 1.0]
Clearcoat Normal Scale (multiplier)
Multiplier for the clearcoat normal map (CCXYZ) [0.0 to 1.0]
Sheen Color (RGB)
Color of the sheen effect
Sheen Intensity
intensity of the sheen effect
Sheen Roughness
Factor on how wide spread the sheen effect appears [0.0 to 1.0]
Thickness Factor
This is a number that defines the thickness of the volume beneath the surface. It is given in the coordinate space of the mesh. If the valuis 0, the material is thin-walled; otherwise, it is a volume boundary. The range is
[0.0 to 1.0]`
Atenuation Color
Defines the color that white light turns into due to absorption when reaching the attenuation distance. It is a color value that changes the appearance of the material as light passes through it.
Attenuation Distance
This property specifies the distance at which the full attenuation effect is applied. Light traveling through the material will be absorbed more as it travels further, resulting in a darker color at greater distances. [0.0 to 1.0]
Texture JSON
Here is a example texture file:
Width and height in pixels
If 1, texture repeats itself in both axes Default: 0
URL of image file
Real world width/height.
Necessary for universal texture application with correct scaling/sizing. The idea is that this texture/material can be applied to many different objects with a consistent size/scaling appearance as long as they fulfill this requirements:
The UVs are absolute in a certain unit (millimeter in our case)
Default: 0.0 (results in a uniform texture scale of 1.0, ordinary/normalized UV application)
Explanatory example
A 3D quad has the measurement 10 cm by 20 cm. Its correct UVs are in the rect x:0/y:0 to x:100/y:200. The texture we want to apply spans 50 by 50 mm.
The resulting texture tileable will be x = 50; y = 50. This way the texture is tiled twice on the x axis and 4 times on the y axis.
Describes how texture channels are mapped to material channels.
RGB: Albedo color
RGBA: Albedo color plus alpha channel (opacity)
XYZ: Normal map (Open GL style Y-up)
ORM: Combined occlusion/roughness/metallic map (similar to glTF 2.0 specification)
EMRGB: Emission color
CCRG: Clear coat intensity and roughness
CCXYZ: Clear coat normal map
SHRGBA: Sheen color and roughness
SPRGBA: Specular color and intensity
TTRG: Transmission degree and thickness
Texture channel assignments
basecolor red
basecolor green
basecolor blue
basecolor red
basecolor green
basecolor blue
normal x
normal y
normal z
emissive color red
emissive color green
emissive color blue
clear coat intensity
clear coat roughness
clear coat normal map x
clear coat normal map y
clear coat normal map z
sheen effect color r
sheen effect color g
sheen effect color b
sheen effect roughness
specular color r
specular color g
specular color b
specular intensity
Transmission degree
transmission thickness
Default: RGB
Occlusion Roughness Metallic composition
The texel values are in linear color space and are multiplied with their respective factor property values:
Metallic texel values are multiplied with the metallic factor value.
Occlusion texel values are multiplied with the occlusion strength factor value.
Roughness texel values are multiplied with the roughness factor value.
The occlusion is used in real-time rendering only.
Last updated