Customise shareable links

Usually you have integrated your Rubens configurator somewhere on your website (if you do not know how to that you can have a look here), which means you also a custom domain and need to modify our sharable links which are displayed for example when the user clicks on the save draft button. In this case it is necessary to give Rubens your desired Url in the init data.

Here a small code example:

const configurator = await RoomleConfiguratorApi.create(
      deeplink: "",

Please note that this is just a pseudo code URL, change it to your website URL. Normally you have placed the Rubens configurator somewhere on your single product page, then configurator is most probably the handle of the product. It is important that you have a id=#CONFIGURATIONID# in the URL because this will be replaced by the configuration id of Rubens.

Code Sandbox

If you want to have a quick impression on a coded sample you can have a look at this Code Sandbox.

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