
It's possible to change certain labels for certain languages in the UI.

Here are all labels that can be overwritten:

  "global": {
    "back": "Back",
    "roomle": "Roomle",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "enter-mail": "Enter email address",
    "gdpr-info": "I agree to receiving emails about my saved design, as well a...",
    "gdpr-link-text": "(art. 6(1)(a)(f) of the GDPR).",
    "gdpr-link": "",
    "see-more": "See more",
    "configurator-title": "Configurator"
  "params": {
    "show-all": "Show all",
    "show-less": "Show less",
    "search": "Enter search ...",
    "nothing-found": "Nothing found for",
    "nothing-available": "Nothing available",
    "filter-all": "All",
    "save-draft": "Save draft",
    "request-product": "Request product",
    "order-products": "Order",
    "add-to-cart": "Add to cart",
    "ceiling-height": "Wall height",
    "parapet-height": "Parapet height",
    "window-parapet-height": "Window parapet height",
    "wall-thickness": "Wall thickness",
    "wall-auto-height": "Auto height",
    "wall-auto-height-yes": "Auto",
    "wall-auto-height-no": "Fixed",
    "interior-wall-material": "Interior Wall Material",
    "exterior-wall-material": "Exterior Wall Material",
    "floors-material": "Floor Material",
    "measure-unit": "Unit",
    "unit-inch": "inch",
    "range": {
      "range-error": "Value was not in the range of",
      "syntax-error": "Value was not numeric"
    "back": "back",
    "boolean": ["No", "Yes"],
    "no-elements": "Current selections has no options",
    "cancel-selection": "Cancel selection",
    "variants": "Variants",
    "room-height": "Room height",
    "wall-length": "Wall length",
    "wall-scale": "Scaling in direction",
    "wall-material": "Wall color",
    "floor-material": "Floor color",
    "imperial": "Imperial",
    "metric": "Metric",
    "tab-cat-settings": "Settings",
    "tab-cat-draw": "Draw",
    "constructions": {
      "window": "Window",
      "window-height": "Window height",
      "window-width": "Window width",
      "parapet-height": "Parapet height",
      "window-stop": "Window stop",
      "open-after": "Open after",
      "open-inner": "Inner",
      "open-outer": "Outer",
      "window-material": "Window material",
      "door": "Door",
      "door-height": "Door height",
      "door-length": "Door length",
      "door-stop": "Door stop",
      "door-material": "Door material",
      "door-variants": "Door variants",
      "window-variants": "Window variants"
  "hint": {
    "turn-device": "Turn your device to configure"
  "addon-trigger": "Add an element",
  "catalog-trigger": "Add a product",
  "addon-trigger-planner": "Add a product",
  "add-room": "Add room",
  "article-nr": "Article-Nr.",
  "count": "Count",
  "catalog": "Catalog",
  "parameters": "Parameters",
  "width-short": "W",
  "height-short": "H",
  "depth-short": "D",
  "drop-down": {
    "partlist": "Partlist",
    "multiselect": "Multiselect",
    "measurements": "Measurements",
    "fullscreen ": "Fullscreen",
    "export-3d": "Export 3D data",
    "snapping": "Snapping",
    "reset-camera": "Reset camera",
    "undoAction": "Undo action",
    "redoAction": "Redo action",
    "twoDView": "View",
    "snapshot": "Snapshot",
    "add-measure": "Measure distance"
  "addon-fallback": "Addon",
  "parameter-fallback": "Parameter",
  "addons": {
    "hint": "Click on an element to position it in your configuration"
  "ar": {
    "heading": "View in room",
    "hint": {
      "ios": "Enter the following link into the browser of your iOS device",
      "android": "Enter the following link into the browser of your Android de...",
      "desktop": "Enter the following link into the browser of your mobile dev..."
    "title": "Show in your room (AR)",
    "description": "You can use augmented reality on your smartphone or tablet, ...",
    "send": "Copy Url",
    "landing-page": {
      "title": "Beautiful! And now?",
      "description": "Open this configuration in AR and see it directly in your ro...",
      "button-ar": "Open AR",
      "button-ar-legacy": "Open AR in Roomle App"
    "not-available": "It seems like your device is not capable of augmented realit...",
    "in-app": "You are viewing the configurator in an in-app browser. If yo..."
  "no-docking": {
    "heading": "Sorry, but adding is not possible",
    "desc": "Please delete or change an existing element, or choose anoth...",
    "ok": "Ok, continue"
  "feedback": {
    "question": "Was this hint helpful",
    "yes": "Yes",
    "no": "No"
  "continue-to": "Continue to",
  "wrong-domain": "Sorry but this configurator is not available on this domain",
  "save-draft": {
    "title": "Save draft",
    "description": "We save your draft, so you can continue editing later.",
    "save": "Save",
    "loading-url": "Loading url",
    "copy": "Copy url",
    "copied": "copied",
    "description-link": "Your configuration is saved you can use the link to share it..."
  "load-configuration": {
    "header": "Product Import",
    "desc": "Import product configuration via link or Roomle ID into your...",
    "import": "Import",
    "cancel": "Cancel",
    "load-error": "Roomle ID not available",
    "placeholder": "Roomle configurator link or Roomle ID"
  "variants": {
    "heading1": "Attention",
    "heading2": "Changes will be lost",
    "desc": "If you change to a different variant all your changes will b...",
    "button": "Change variant",
    "close": "Close",
    "help": "Choose another variant"
  "variant-fallback": "Variants",
  "export-3d": {
    "title": "Download 3D data",
    "description": "Please select the file type you want to download",
    "cta": "Send download link",
    "error": "Problems while exporting your file, please try again"
  "print": {
    "page": "Page",
    "of": "of",
    "custom": "Custom configuration",
    "button": "Print"
  "part-list": {
    "label": "Label",
    "price": "Price",
    "main-component": "Main component",
    "heading": "Part list"
  "no-active-package": "Currently this configurator is not available",
  "tooltip": {
    "ar": "View product in room",
    "partlist": "Show part list",
    "multiselect": "Enable multi select",
    "multiselect-disable": "Disable multi select",
    "measurements": "Show measurements",
    "fullscreen": "View product in fullscreen",
    "reset-camera": "Reset camera",
    "render": "Create snapshot",
    "export": "Export 3D files",
    "snapping": "Object snapping",
    "undoAction": "Undo last action",
    "redoAction": "Redo action",
    "twoDView": "Change to 2D view",
    "threeDView": "Change to 3D view"
  "notifications": {
    "load-saved-config": {
      "part1": "Do you want to load the saved",
      "part2": "configuration",
      "part3": "and continue editing?"
    "interaction-messages": {
      "root-element": "The starting element of the configuration <strong>cannot be ...",
      "parameters-changed": "Explore the variety of possibilities by <strong>selecting an...",
      "confirm-ghosts": "<strong>Set the position</strong> where you want the element...",
      "add-element": "You can <strong>add</strong> additional elements <strong>or ..."
  "element-disabled": {
    "heading": "Sorry, but this option is currently not possible",
    "desc": "The option you are trying to set is currently not possible t...",
    "ok": "Ok, continue"
  "cookies": {
    "info": "This website uses cookies to give you a better service and t...",
    "link": "Read more",
    "accept": "Accept"
  "object-fallback": "Object",
  "delete-warning": {
    "heading": "Warning",
    "desc": "Deleting this component will delete also the attached compon...",
    "reDock-msg": "Are you sure you want to delete the selected component?",
    "yes": "Yes",
    "no": "No"
  "partlist-header": {
    "group": "Group",
    "article-nr": "Article-Nr.",
    "amount": "Amount",
    "price": "Price EUR"
  "errors": {
    "error-headline": "Loading error",
    "error-descr": "Unable to load item!",
    "plan-loading-error": "Unable to load this plan!"
  "product-list": {
    "header": "Product overview",
    "products-cart": "Article for the shopping cart",
    "products-cart-hint": "These items are for sale and can be purchased via the shoppi...",
    "article-in-plan": "Article as planning aid",
    "article-in-plan-hint": "These items are used exclusively for planning the room and a..."
  "rooms": {
    "heading": "Room shape",
    "wall": "Wall",
    "room": "Room",
    "corner": "Corner",
    "four-walls": "Four walls",
    "lform": "L form",
    "no-room": "No room",
    "desc": "You can later adjust the room and customize it individually.",
    "sidebar-title": "Room",
    "draw": "Draw wall",
    "draw-head": "Draw your floor plan individually",
    "draw-desc": "Double-click on the floor to start drawing a new wall. Doubl...",
    "3d-disable-hint": "Close the drawing mode to allow the 3D view",
    "mouse-hint-head": "New wall",
    "mouse-hint-desc": "Double-click anywhere on the drawing area to create a new wa...",
    "mouse-hint-desc-ipad": "Hard press anywhere on the drawing area to create a new wall...",
    "esc-hint-head": "Escape drawing",
    "esc-hint-desc": "Press ESC or double click to stop drawing.",
    "shift-hint-head": "Disable snapping",
    "shift-hint-desc": "Hold Shift to disable snapping.",
    "delete-wall": "Delete wall",
    "confirm-room": "Confirm room shape",
    "settings": "Settings",
    "add-room": "Add Room",
    "free-draw": "Drawing",
    "start-draw": "Start drawing",
    "select": "Select a room"
  "static-item-preview": {
    "heading": "Static item",
    "desc": "Click on \"Show Preview\" to show a fullscreen preview of the selected product",
    "show-preview-button": "Show Preview"
  "configuration-preview": {
    "heading": "Individualized configuration",
    "desc": "Click on \"Individualize\" to adjust your configuration to your wishes",
    "individualize-button": "Individualize"
  "moc-bottom-bar": {
    "main-label": "Multi Object Configurator",
    "sub-label": "Create your own product set in the"
  "overlays": {
    "go-to-cart": "Send to cart",
    "back-to-configurator": "Back to the configurator",
    "close": "Exit ",
    "close-head": "Do you really want to exit the configurator?",
    "configurator-cart-head": "Your individualized product is sent to the shopping cart and...",
    "planner-cart-head-plural-1": "There are ",
    "planner-cart-head-singular-1": "There is ",
    "planner-cart-head-singular-2": "product sent to the cart.",
    "planner-cart-head-plural-2": "products sent to the cart.",
    "unsaved-changes-warning": "Unsaved changes will be lost."
  "moc": {
    "no-items-hint": "There are no products under this tag"
  "tooltips": {
    "understood-button": "Understood",
    "stop-configuring-content": "Click here to design rooms and add more products."
  "perspectives": {
    "center": "View Center",
    "left": "View left",
    "right": "View right",
    "top": "View top",
    "tooltip": "Select view"
  "product-settings": {
    "width-symbol": "W",
    "height-symbol": "H",
    "depth-symbol": "D",
    "width": "Width",
    "height": "Height",
    "depth": "Depth",
    "size": "Size",
    "object-material": "Object color",
    "to-partlist": "To Partlist",
    "switch-product": "Switch product",
    "configure-now": "Configure now",
    "view-now": "View now",
    "ar": "AR view",
    "change-product": "Change product",
    "product-info": "Product information",
    "position": "Position",
    "x-coordinate": "X Coordinate",
    "y-coordinate": "Y Coordinate",
    "z-coordinate": "Z Coordinate",
    "rotation": "Rotation",
    "functions": "Functions",
    "general": "General"
  "colors-groups": {
    "ral_1000": "Yellow and Beige Colors",
    "ral_2000": "Orange Colors",
    "ral_3000": "Red Colors",
    "ral_4000": "Violet Colors",
    "ral_5000": "Blue Colors",
    "ral_6000": "Green Colors",
    "ral_7000": "Gray Colors",
    "ral_8000": "Brown Colors",
    "ral_9000": "White and Black Colors"

Last updated