Rubens Configurator Changelog
4.102.0 (2025-03-25)
add attic measurements (e170b64)
add explainer icon to sloping roof section (30a8670)
add open close animation toggle (424af53)
make catalog handle external objects (489f0e0)
wall side icon and explainer (9768983)
Bug Fixes
code-review: apply suggestion from code review, see: (026b7a1), closes /
planner: call startConfiguring only once (92c6655)
css for share draft email field visual glitch. (82f285c)
failing tests (ed1649c)
failing tests (2e0ff31)
Feature flag is not working for openCloseAnimation (90c4b1f)
feedback changes (9047a41)
icon css, show in planner only (8d69fff)
positions tutorial correctly if custom view is active (e0c249f)
prevent default drag cursor (not-allowed) on windows (3c33cef)
reverse the order of collectionView icon and text (deaec0d)
tests (edd4cea)
code-review: tried to fix the following problem that came up during code-review: (79d0c5d), closes /
type errors (da36d23)
4.101.0 (2025-03-13)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.95.1 (660a541)
4.100.0 (2025-03-11)
add QR code to the saved plan link (a4d57ab)
add wall attic functionality (381c211)
add wall plasterings among options for wall materials (35fa3c3)
core api - createPlanXmlWithObjects (de8d816)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.94.0-alpha.24 (e0e027c)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.94.0-alpha.26 (da6691e)
Bug Fixes
copied indicator position (745e61e)
more CSS tweaks (a87bcbf)
Reset scroll when selecting an item from product-list (e2fcb5c)
shared loadProduct CSS (e59cbae)
show preview image on mobile, rearrange link and qr order (3fb56b0)
use correct web-sdk (1620beb)
4.98.1 (2025-02-17)
Bug Fixes
add a core version that serializes json correctly also if a string contains JSON (b05e1eb)
4.98.0 (2025-02-12)
add object highlighting on hover to product list objects (e067163)
make Items selectable via product list (fe76875)
SDK: upgrade to 2.93.0-alpha.1 (c64be1b)
use tenant from configurator id (24422be)
Bug Fixes
dont enable GA by default (156e233)
improve Notification cards: Swipe functionality (3d3866d)
SDK: Floor color looks strange on Safari (7bf1e40)
typescript error when build embedding lib (b73ed20)
4.97.0 (2025-01-28)
Bug Fixes
usePriceService: true
we show also 0,00 prices (502bef0)Editing construction elements in room designer mode - color options misaligned (0e8f7a1)
run SyncLoco and fix wrong label (31b9382)
wrong grabbing cursor while dragging (81547a7)
4.96.0 (2025-01-20)
Add topview to predefined view options (b0079ae)
Correctly handle plan saving and perspective image generation in MOC edit mode (e92ecc3)
implement search field for catalog drawer (ead36b0)
make interaction notes hideable (5ffda3a)
make things hideable (9a937b9)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.91.0-alpha.3 (89db9d8)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.91.0-alpha.7 (6b06fae)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.91.0-alpha.8 (78e37f4)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.91.0-alpha.9 (6771441)
use createPlanFromObject to create an empty plan with object (13ae60e)
Bug Fixes
all the linting issues (ba8ece2)
also check for multi select (64cbe8b)
breaking tests (c414d49)
check if notification key is in the INTERACTION_NOTIFICATIONS values (82793e7)
correct handling of expand/collapse (ce839d2)
do not show sizes on configurable objects (3da58d5)
import all the things (d946aa9)
No camera transition when expanding drawer (a69da30)
only track events when not on AR page (b68ddb1)
publish types how RuAd needs it (76e828d)
remove debugger statement (9f3907a)
remove exception (d91d042)
remove unnecessary console.log (4eb4da8)
send module 8 when open AR inside planner edit mode (a591432)
setting right additional info type inside thumbnails component (79e4133)
show measurements on drag from external catalog (dfa2e2f)
some ts errors (26ae95e)
tests (d5b6c49)
translate directly in v-html (4cec4dd)
4.95.0 (2024-11-28)
Bug Fixes
add some space on the top to the interaction notes in case of planner inside edit mode (611bfa9)
Drawer-toggle rotates wrong when second level drawer is active (3a8f66c)
embedding should also load when api=false (cd5a54a)
fix ts errors (6b65f6a)
make hide interaction note flag hidden by default (4abae62)
4.94.1 (2024-11-28)
Bug Fixes
hot-fix: make api=false possible again (2950f92)
4.94.0 (2024-11-20)
add example for custom overlay (cc9f748)
add more rotation indicator (e177c26)
add onHideCustomView for embedding-callbacks (afcd9d3)
display rotation and active angle indicators on SVG circle (80909cf)
do not select on drag-in (2a42d88)
enable custom view also if we are not in embedding (27777b3)
expose toggle drawer (7bd69da)
Hide the Overall Measurements in Parts List and Parts List Printout based on flag conditionally (1fc1225)
implement overlay: true (0d2b66f)
make communication from child to parent possible (6d432ab)
make custom views better extensible (56d1e04)
make it more versatile for HOMAG cases (705c6da)
make it possible that a custom view can connect to us (7a50358)
make things more stable (432c571)
move toggle out if we are on overlay (c247abf)
new methods for exposed api (264d34f)
overlay (1d5cc6b)
some more stuff (82d0403)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.88.1-alpha.1 (15bd1f5)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.89.0-alpha.1 (45a5fe1)
Bug Fixes
add missing new lines (28d9df7)
do not collapse custom view on main embedding (829c32e)
drag-touch tests (cf9eb0a)
failing tests (635c6c1)
fix URL parameter parsing to handle array-like keys and remove '[]' suffix (f7783a3)
hide rotation if there is a construction element selected among the milti-selected objects (fed131a)
make drag-in for custom-view more stable against different timings (3ebd477)
make typescript happy (7613796)
make typescript work (6d14255)
mobile interactions (b81ee7b)
MOC: image is not generated in the downloaded partlist file (580838d)
oxlint destroyed my code (06a2882)
pre-fill the objAlreadyRotated value (67a0c22)
remove dynamic IDs (7f8e4e0)
remove merge conflicts (4a2ceae)
return last result of callback (655130b)
some stuff (f4c0501)
some stuff (632deb9)
start rotation progress from 0 (a7e74ee)
starting position for the rotation indicator (70fee66)
things (8404ff6)
ts (cbc5407)
ts errors (0034978)
ts errors (faaf013)
use correct imports so that we do not import all of Vue (46dc577)
use ResizeObserver and switch back to GPU CSS (65c3a53)
4.93.0 (2024-11-05)
enable wall auto height behind feature flag (d74da57)
oxlint (796acb1)
working eslint flat config (03176a6)
Bug Fixes
a couple of type errors (2f55e03)
AR url for arc and brave browsers (d166054)
check correctly if a method is there or not (505066e)
correctly select notification widths on mobile when interactions are expanded (f59742d)
do not remove initial width (1270073)
failing unit tests (ba69c49)
feedback changes, vscode settings, add oxlint promises rule (b3bb64e)
move style change into desktop (773aaaf)
optional props on collectionview (cdce94d)
overflowing interaction container when second level drawer is open (786489c)
remaining issues (9d6db1a)
try to use another version of hasARQuicklook helper (92e8f12)
typescript and eslint (6ee5c0a)
Unexpected aliasing of 'this' to local variable. in exposed-api.ts (c5c142b)
4.92.0 (2024-10-22)
dial points (e15f238)
Bug Fixes
amount of ticks (16d4f88)
disable snapping when zero is supplied (bb976d2)
fix typescript issue in test causing tests to fail (65fb1a3)
make sure global search for addons shows regardless of searchThreshold setting (9cad5a0)
remove redundant CSS (7b985c5)
Room Designer - Multi selection after movement not selected (4a6e60a)
search input showing when elements are empty (e59f0a8)
tests (9eccce6)
4.91.0 (2024-10-08)
mobile searching for addons (92162c4)
Bug Fixes
add preserve search options to search input (857c64b)
back bug and dont show list icon (215416f)
check for disabling multiselect in configurator mode (29a3e3a)
drawerElement optional props (a0673a1)
put search bar in correct place (8c9bef6)
test (69429c4)
translate entry (01ac776)
type error (ecfcd44)
4.90.0 (2024-09-25)
expose generation of PDF (a783e89)
Shared plan URL should include set URL params (0969da9)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.84.0 (10b4230)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.85.0-alpha.1 (f3f56f5)
upgrade vuejs version to 3.5 (2128bf4)
use instance.exportCanvasScreenshot for playwright screenshot testing (d2edad9)
Bug Fixes
Handle unmocked requests gracefully in 'enforce' mode (051a88b)
playwright goto waits for ready_to_render message (9daf3fa)
retain one decimal place in order to display values in the unit inch correctly. (5969d6f)
ts lint issue (bb7217f)
4.89.0 (2024-09-10)
enable possibility to update cloudinary mocks (6dd8d3e)
expose triggerShowTutorials method for external invocation (bc316dc)
introduce triggerShowOverlay API method (71fb28a)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.84.0-alpha.1 (21721d2)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.84.0-alpha.3 (b5df7be)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.84.0-alpha.5 (a9df834)
Bug Fixes
add correct mocks (3e00240)
adopt paths and so on for plugins of embedding lib (2992746)
make ensure work with promises (02d4a1f)
make it possible that delay is also 0 otherwise the smallest value would be 1 (dc2086a)
onSaveDraft trigger (e24a18e)
playwright test by Install Playwright Browsers before run test with --with-deps flag (8ea40c8)
save draft button changes color when buttons.requestproduct is hidden (20a5b70)
selection of items on mobile (8d11a90)
unselect element after dragEnd (5b45cd8)
update ProductList and Partlist snapshots for sdk2.84.0-alpha.1 (f3c7fd5)
use hasPlanner for skinning bottomBar buttons (8dff723)
4.88.0 (2024-08-27)
build embedding lib again (9a16988)
create release workflow (7806f8d)
enable drag-in of TC Articles (b39e7a7)
enable the drag in of TC Articles (a6cbe2c)
expose drag-start, drag-move, drag-end (f03e914)
forward type correctly (4f465d0)
implement feature of drag in (151d665)
make search threshold parameterizable with init-data (cfbe6c7)
onClickOutside composable (4b2ddd8)
release from cd/embedding-pre-release (4e547d5)
run embedding tests agains multiple versions (1391e37)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.83.0-alpha.5 (003c215)
Bug Fixes
add missing UI buttons to be visible inside feature flags menu in Rubens Admin (3837ca3)
also forward type on touchstart (4e4d17f)
Can expand drawer on mobile although it should not be possible (63c89fd)
cancel selection on open TopBar menu on mobile (401ec65)
correct mock data (40d8459)
correct sign (fc1db6c)
deactivate husky before semantic release of embedding lib (7668c48)
find a fallback if har file is not found (3b95a9e)
hide cart count if there is no purchasable items in the scene (6afa4fa)
embedding: make configurator api available on planner embedding (8bd473e)
only create things that are missing (b4eab8b)
pointing vitest to the correct config file (6fe8dc8)
prevent blurring the dropdown (fa7f55c)
prevent key events on slider to enable shifting the scene (ebed576)
remove leftover from old tries (b4341d1)
remove syntax error (34a7cda)
remove typescript errors (e186ab6)
revert to npm install (4d8f8d9)
run pre release of embedding (6d8849e)
run the correct stuff (e6efc36)
set configurator callbacks and types (8a56c2e)
show pwd (4f4deda)
some stuff (7d99f8e)
some stuff (b4c0152)
submit onBlur for measurements in 2D (164e71b)
trigger onSaveDraft callback when emails is false and by default (87cd4f2)
try npm ci (ec81bb3)
use correct credentials (6898e84)
use correct types of husky/pre-push (bf95c6e)
Vector draw mode broken on test/alpha (667a044)
4.87.0 (2024-07-31)
introduce onPartlistPrint callback so external users can print their own style of PDF (871cbaa)
Merge product in RD scene UI (9bd54fc)
try to expose partList arguments for doing custom PDF printing (b17e2d2)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.82.0-alpha.2 (17f3861)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.82.0-alpha.3 (7ea006e)
Bug Fixes
cancel drawing before undo (c90c370)
Czech capitals do not fit in MOC main label (8b2abbd)
failing E2E tests (91a2f19)
Flying menu should not include merge icons for construction elements (593dcd7)
hide parameters on planner for e2e test (d47a0d3)
reuse the check icon from save draft for product id check for import product overlay RML-11492 (4b7d085)
try to record the un-mocked requests if we have scene interaction after page evaluation (b13d575)
4.86.0 (2024-07-16)
Bug Fixes
AR overlay transparent (4e7b403)
MoC mobile Shadow of popup still there on iphone (96266c8)
overlay background color on desktop is not white (8f4a8a3)
Shopping basket does not show correct number (4642393)
usePurchasableCount promise resolve issues (e9253b3)
4.75.0 (2024-02-13)
room designer 2D measurements tool (dc7659d)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.68.0-alpha.6 (051c0f6)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.68.0 (fd367b5)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.69.0 (73f2c9e)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.70.0-alpha.1 (ac9b027)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.70.0-alpha.3 (a831241)
Bug Fixes
add test (c698ae9)
add to first person to buttons (9b3c150)
catalog items order (2500576)
disable fp (3166aa2)
feedback (06a0c8c)
hide second level sidebar after closing sidebar (5f90bd8)
make environment optional to fix missing prop warning (f606b0f)
move firstperson view outside featureflags (35f1b5b)
move helpcenter outside featureflags (ec5fd02)
pre-refactor-fix (25a2421)
remove css (58a6202)
return false on no tenant found (bf97568)
show expanded collection view (afddba3)
test (183e488)
tests (aa37fa6)
up xparensy (c762c8a)
4.74.0 (2024-01-30)
2D Implement object to wall measurements (b2c07e7)
2D implement objects measurements (82c85b2)
implement parsing, displaying (4bc2c34)
initial implementation (72fe65f)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.67.0 (4c89095)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.68.0-alpha.1 (4e54fa2)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.68.0-alpha.2 (9e5c761)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.68.0-alpha.3 (00e00cb)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.68.0-alpha.4 (19d7579)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.68.0-alpha.5 (4f55d0f)
Bug Fixes
adapt helpcenter settings, add tests (29e64a7)
check if array, update tests (d7a9bee)
collectionViewElement tooltips (47a9ee8)
disable fp for now (34a99db)
do not nullify objposonplanner (7a6a3ca)
do not remove es lint plugin on serveSdk (ad87ede)
enable feature flag by default (5748b55)
finalize (c4b4cce)
fixes, tests (ca3a956)
hide sidebar on init with fp mode, add test (7f16c57)
icon padding on stopCOnfiguring button (755263a)
lets gooooo it works (e7852e2)
mobile click and hide behavior (3c6a56a)
mobile stopconfiguringbutton width (00787eb)
package-lock (3de1c30)
properly pass custom style (5931838)
recalc pos on resize (8ffaae5)
replace second level active with higher level sidebar (8559289)
revert tutorials data (0bc0b97)
rewrite tutorials data structure (65e36e3)
rotation wrapper jumping to corner (4c97ded)
save the current configurations before onRequestPlan (a683187)
style, mobile tooltip width (89ef018)
tabbedNav toggle button (45b4758)
tabbedNav tooltips, tests (f7dc61b)
test (b0741e9)
tests (2795afb)
try it in another place (80db675)
try it in another place again (07e93db)
type import * minor (* minor) (3fd25cd)
types (48a4ab2)
types (359c16f)
types (4b782ff)
types (9b78309)
types * minor (* minor) (2e31689)
types * minor (* minor) (83b9add)
update comment (19a1b98)
update depts, tooltip tests (0bb4cda)
4.73.0 (2024-01-16)
Bug Fixes
4.72.1 (2023-12-20)
Bug Fixes
disable help center by default (a4bd5dd)
4.72.0 (2023-12-19)
create custom event emitter for reduce the load on Vuex store (36c4a3f)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.65.0 (1c66830)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.66.0-alpha.1 (42cf5b8)
Bug Fixes
deselect on duplication (1a8c535)
helpcenter default to true (832e19e)
introduce check for switch mode (0ab276f)
prohibit running GitHub approval workflow on clicking request changes (f63977f)
rearrange (6793538)
remove early return * minor (54886a7)
remove shadow (1a83a7c)
responsiveness (8d2d16c)
testss (50151cf)
type * minor (* minor) (a57b3a4)
updated configurator and planner specific tutorials (db6b6c6)
width on mobile (c078439)
4.71.0 (2023-12-05)
add button for multi select (b773c62)
make font customize able (a78b1d0)
Make RAL colors for floors/walls/objects always available (6f2c7cd)
Show measurements for doors&windows in 2D (d7e18c4)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.65.0-alpha.1 (ceb6ee0)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.65.0-alpha.2 (19cda81)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.65.0-alpha.3 (cfa8909)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.65.0-alpha.5 (2f5abf1)
Bug Fixes
animation (ffae07d)
door settings (2572b80)
hide bottombuttons in fp mode (01d2b04)
move fullscreen handler to plannerUiState (71293c0)
move fullscreen state handler into consistent position in view switch funcs (c932d9a)
parse float string as number to planinteractionhandler (b91fb07)
parse float string as number to planinteractionhandler (6e06207)
parsefloat Number (d4a76e0)
set is fullscreen on fp switch (02b67e8)
wait for everything to be initialised before loading an object (468ffc1)
4.70.0 (2023-11-21)
4.69.0 (2023-11-21)
add fp button, xlation, logic (ca5c20d)
handle init data (14fe256)
mobile layout (c74916b)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.63.0 (6f3f778)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.64.0-alpha.2 (ba5ec1e)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.64.0-alpha.3 (9d78f04)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.64.0-alpha.4 (3556e3e)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.64.0-alpha.5 (9d66428)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.64.0-alpha.6 (a9b1d3a)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.64.0-alpha.7 (a689fbc)
ure flag (c0e0c52)
wip initial implementation (8f225f7)
working tooltip pos (db3256d)
Bug Fixes
add check for multiselect (db04929)
add nullable (f3de693)
alhamdulillah package-lock.json (67a051d)
Arrow button is overlapped by shadow (eca9e47)
better method name (a2fe1e5)
check for invalid rgb value (0ac4534)
cleanup (c33bc6d)
cleanup refs (a566c81)
dont show price if it's zero (bbf4c30)
dont show reset, camera angles in fp mode (55bb5ca)
entering a value above 360 brings it to an equivalent under 360 (850ae7c)
feedback fixes (4fa67ad)
icon size? (b5348f3)
if the number is over 360, yes (ef064ae)
ismobile check (d6aa20b)
make order network independent (21bbd42)
make separate top-left-bar, move topbar styles to be sharable (5c5bad1)
optim svg (52a8f4f)
optional (9b7aad2)
overflow icons for safari (58060b0)
overlay background colors (e37f383)
re-add loading effect (d9ebe95)
remove methods (80a14cf)
remove unneccesary check (f04f3ba)
rename tooltip prop (fc9dadc)
reset value on error in asyncFunction composable (cc8d776)
respect order of root tags (25c3ce1)
revert topbar test (8f8b708)
set to undefined instead (205c1d9)
show topleftbar in configurator (075c2ea)
showing mobile view menu (41d4e1f)
tests (72a8145)
tests (1466e6e)
tests (6993d6f)
tests (372f088)
tpyes (c64395e)
transparency & showing current btn (d1fb8a3)
ts FlyingMenu (a95a8f1)
ts FlyingMenu (d364ef1)
ts openAR (ca82d5c)
ts openAR (77bdb47)
ts partlist-setup (f0e45a6)
ts partlist-setup (6a4577b)
ts use-planner-actions-visibility.ts (22277bc)
ts use-planner-actions-visibility.ts (569f54a)
use correct object ID if nothing is selected (2c7412d)
use perparePerspectiveImageOf from SDK so that the correct part list image is rendered (1ed3d77)
wrap tets (bf467d4)
4.68.0 (2023-11-09)
4.67.0 (2023-11-08)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.61.0 (cec476b)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.62.0-alpha.1 (bc6a6d8)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.62.0-alpha.2 (1c4ee8a)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.62.0-alpha.3 (4bc00cf)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.62.0-alpha.4 (9e747af)
Bug Fixes
adjust Cloudinary image sizes to next multiple of 64 (e6ec517)
do not await api (4ae34c7)
don't show delete button on floors (c8b9e3f)
dont show CollectionViewHint when gridview is open (429b768)
drawing UI issues (f7bbb0b)
get current selection for currencySymbol (43e87ac)
getprice-setup return total price of all parts if no parts are sent (f135b7b)
gradient height, show on scroll only (adc3b58)
hide flying menu on camera move in configurator (60a0a5b)
introduce start/end interaction on rotate (f2923e2)
Navigation bug - productlist not shown per default (72382ed)
navigation issues closes RML-8907 RML-8812 RML-8900 RML-8882 (1695544)
perspective image generation when starting in 2d (f4985b3)
provide entire grouped partlist instead of just the first item. (fe5a36d)
RD: Bug when starting a plan with drawing (6e2f364)
remove await (137c136)
remove counter dot fixed width (6e555bc)
rename some stuff (e3ac9f7)
RoomGeneralSettings does not show after deselecting floor on mobile while expanded view is open. (c341ef3)
RuAd + RD: Sort tag does not have an impact in RD catalog item order (b428505)
Size of configuration different in Room Designer and SoC (cf514d4)
Sometimes translations are only loaded partially (64bd5ae)
tests (0b81859)
try get currency symbol from partlist (f922afd)
Vue warning: size is missing (8af21e9)
4.66.0 (2023-10-24)
Create API call for save plans in case of hidden bottom Bar (5e3cfdf)
create duplicated object at free position in plan (0a2e035)
do not show preview boxes but a loading screen (1b039dd)
initial implementation (71c3163)
Replace rotation icon of construction elements with flip icon/functionality (f912d63)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.61.0-alpha.3 (c987e09)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.61.0-alpha.4 (577741f)
use correct spinner as defined in the ticket (848e39d)
Bug Fixes
delete room if there are previous walls (1286812)
feedback fixes (8840b2c)
feedback fixes (e8af506)
findFreeSpaceInPlan (0206c0a)
For windows that are static items the parapet height is behaving strangely (d5e0270)
GLBViewer: AR icon is broken on mobile (e896253)
hide flip icon for multiSelect (7e2164b)
hide rotation button for construction elements (d01f0b8)
hide some productSettings sections during multi-select (1f8186e)
margins (9ceae1e)
merge master (c646335)
Mouse cursor is not adopted on parameters (dbe9050)
padding on tooltip (929cfd5)
padding with calc (56f648d)
pointer (b606708)
product-settings header (d292975)
remove :has because FF doesnt support it (306bfa2)
remove leaking css, scoped was removed so we have to use BEM (3d227e9)
replace swap product icon (03de21e)
safari rounded edges on icons (5b8c2c0)
show rotation, duplicate on multi-select (4c9dfac)
tests (952aeed)
unref to value in use-planner-actions-visibility, it might be more performant (59d98ab)
4.65.2 (2023-10-13)
Bug Fixes
add comment (c883f5b)
4.65.1 (2023-10-13)
Bug Fixes
re-enable startConfiguring for mobile again (079f0fe)
4.65.0 (2023-10-11)
4.64.0 (2023-10-10)
add callback and mouse listener for when dragging happens (91b7732)
add rotate button, show hide logic (d99411b)
Enable duplicate product in the room designer (38c97ec)
enable roomAr by default (b7f7e86)
make a mousePos composable, get the menu showing on item selection (f9242e7)
Make bottom bar hideable (aa681f2)
Measurements - visual improvements (0443fbe)
set the position of the flying menu to center of selected element after the camera stops moving (0cc6697)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.59.0-alpha.5 (4934532)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.59.0-alpha.6 (602c08a)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.59.0 (a26d7c7)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.10 (37d89fb)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.11 (d80e1aa)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.12 (27e43c0)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.13 (603238c)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.14 (a9f3f30)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.15 (50a4daf)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.1 (82ec36e)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.3 (43808f6)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.4 (78880df)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.5 (9feadad)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.6 (78dad8d)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.7 (064187a)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0-alpha.8 (e90efb9)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.60.0 (184057c)
wip: introduce composables for button visibility, start configuring and delete button (121dd90)
Bug Fixes
appease tsc (f6b95fd)
appease tsc (630e60e)
avoid button overlaying on desktop also (ee117da)
bottom position of flying menu above bottombuttons on mobile (c45baa2)
configurator delete button, don't show old delete button (937bb24)
configuratorMain test (13ab8c5)
CSS tweaks (ca7c1e9)
delete irrelevant test, moved equivalent test into flyingmenubuttons.spec.ts (dddf401)
dont move menu on clicking non canvas elements (20163ed)
dont offset down when using position2d (7206b2d)
expandedview not visible (de695be)
expandedview not visible (bdc6f2e)
feedback fixes (c96dbd7)
force position above bottom menu on mobile (668a98a)
fullscreen open and close button (2000cf7)
hide bottomButtons when flying menu is shown on mobile (9b46bc8)
hide flying menu on camera move (234d282)
hide flying menu on startConfiguring (933f88c)
hide menu while dragging (9fbfd8c)
hide show sidebar on configurator (48ac342)
hide the menu onZoomComponentStart (2eb6c67)
hooks go at the bottom (48955e5)
keep icons from jumping around when moving camerfa (59f81dd)
make sure flying menu doesn't obscure the bottom bar on desktop (e31ce43)
merge master (2f4c7cb)
move hide flying menu into startconfiguring (c998904)
new unit formatter calls (ef2712f)
not showing in configurator (fe6137e)
only change position on selection payload change (f846eeb)
only widen gap on mobile (ae80e40)
plannermain test (65433c4)
remove camera idle show (7b53ee7)
remove event listener onunmount (93d3abf)
remove objectCenter (dd4128f)
remove unavailable uiActions call (92ec365)
reset package-lock (8975faa)
set default floor tag (f59ae69)
show wall dimensions after plan completely loaded (2153769)
switch button is missing in the flying menu (a8c5278)
testing mobile (80af15b)
tests (570b853)
tests, a bunch of feedback fixes, etc (ccb4a1a)
unused components (6efac17)
update callback name (3b82513)
update callbacks, make dragging on mobile work (314f3a3)
update scene after inserting the initial moc object (7c6fefe)
z-index and position (fd8d2fe)
4.63.0 (2023-09-26)
add aux button slot (21605c3)
add new select dropdown component (e00457f)
Add products from external catalogue to the Room designer scene (a0392e9)
introduce new input for metric stuff (4c0b809)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0 (d195069)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.59.0-alpha.3 (7b26b34)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.59.0-alpha.4 (3a92510)
Bug Fixes
app test (c684860)
boolean (92f9084)
Can't draw on mobile and add room (715789e)
check for haswalls (f24df3c)
cleanup, implement in other places (4d1038c)
cleanups (07019c5)
cleanups, try fix action button state flipping (affc42e)
create static tabbed nav for 1 label use only (cf14193)
don't open on mobile (694ca99)
dont fully hide productlist mobile (365d207)
Embedding: startInDetail is not working (e512dfc)
fallback to partlist if no view selected (d23565a)
feedback (125373b)
feedback fixes (af0ebc9)
feedback fixes pt1 (799f11e)
feedback fixes pt2 (8ccb036)
feedback fixes pt3++ (5b7df35)
from feedback (42090ce)
ignore null elements in toGridViewElements (fb41288)
implement solution (36322e8)
improve action button state (1010774)
move another store commit into SET_UP_ROOM_SIDEBAR_ON_LOAD (e399cca)
On mobile the menu is hidden behind the configuration menu (6d76e05)
remove unit type string support (5bae5c7)
reset package json (052d977)
reset package-lock to master (d18f200)
RoomRangeParameter.spec.ts tests (2aefa49)
sdk version (67ace42)
show partlist by default if moc=true and no walls (f312a94)
show the sidebar by default (666d5d5)
tests (a80780b)
tests (2337e31)
type errors (fa1c9f4)
use alpha sdk (0daeccd)
use class binding (f96e338)
z-index (d9a5398)
4.62.0 (2023-09-12)
add snapping parameter, reflect in UI (150cf24)
Display 3rd party catalogue in Rubens (65f0c21)
enable 3D export of plans (6f71279)
enable AR in MOC as well (ea74197)
enable AR view for MOC as well (1eab0c9)
Room Designer Switch products functionality (7b459ce)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.10 (0a1d56e)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.11 (ce3338e)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.7 (2ba9cc4)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.8 (a487c09)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.9 (883656d)
Bug Fixes
activate snapping also when switch from configurator to Room Designer (5927f3a)
add missing 3D export on mobile (4dfa304)
call getObjects only after plan has been loaded (dcdb863)
clean (e6db8ef)
cleanup (d724354)
cookie banner on safari is not translated (7cf8622)
create correct mock (d9cc7a0)
get sdkconnector in separate await in onMount (be773c5)
init view mode state is wrong (f81b2cc)
make drawer open when we have extCatalog (9e7eda1)
order (2746b2e)
positionFilled, rename component refs (790c13b)
rangeslider input & refactor to composition (70b0408)
refactor NumericInput (c2cad91)
remove clg (a533b28)
replace calls in template (ba1e127)
Room Designer: we do not remember the previous room mode when entering the Configurator standalone mode (7728813)
roomRangeParameter and refactor to composition (9eccd88)
send correct user action on open AR (acd6f20)
SOC: Parameters group is not transitioned when we click continue button in the interaction container (22e9d26)
some stuff (90c3171)
some ts errors (21932d6)
tests, remove unused code (b10e022)
The rotation icon is not updated in position when changing the position of the object (687af9b)
unref instead of value access (e1ad839)
use correct import for QR Code Lib for more details see: (e901577)
4.61.3 (2023-08-31)
Bug Fixes
add dynamic import (b80985f)
4.61.2 (2023-08-30)
Bug Fixes
4.61.1 (2023-08-30)
Bug Fixes
change logic (f2b2145)
reset test (c1be3b6)
set requestplan to true by default (ca67565)
show cart button (1777408)
test (cc997a3)
use the correct computed property (dcf2a7a)
4.61.0 (2023-08-30)
share MOC with email (9cb4f89)
Show embedded item infos in Rubens iFrame (dca946c)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.2 (9df26eb)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.3 (0a8e9f4)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.4 (0a2d4af)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.5 (8872c3f)
Bug Fixes
/NoDocking.spec.ts (5f3a9a8)
ActionButtons tets (10f9c39)
ActionButtonsParameterGroups.spec.ts (7094761)
ActionButtonsWall.spec.ts (ce0bf0d)
add CSS classes so that container takes 100% height and HeightContainer can adjust to the parent div (67bb44a)
add temp proptype so vue doesnt throw exceptions (49892e4)
Addons icon is so big in SOC (d220e53)
AddonsTrigger.spec.ts (d6447d8)
addToBasket.spec (5c0257e)
AddToBaskket (d3acd79)
adjust to newest version of typedoc (2c53d25)
all tests passing (c2ab7ac)
almost working wallGeneralSettings Sidebar (86c1d6f)
app.vue types (b355c2b)
app.vue types (528c25a)
appease tsc (d52075b)
ARButton.spec.ts (5a1c70b)
arPlugin, popup (3c69849)
attempt at fixing type errors (077905a)
BackParameterGroupButton.spec (245e865)
bold save icon (1062f98)
bottomBar.spec (8f7640d)
bottombar.vue types (facad14)
bottombar.vue types (c779fe9)
BottomButtons.spec.ts (75fab22)
bring back borders to the topbar in mobile (138878c)
builds succeed (9132a7a)
CatalogTrigger.spec.ts (15fa4c6)
change mockstore signature (5b26973)
check if vnode is a fragment (634fb3b)
clean clgs (239c2c9)
cleanup (0c964ea)
cleanup (28f0138)
closes RML-7829 so that you can also share the plan in moc=false (15d17e9)
CollapsedView.vue types (68a950f)
ColorParameter.vue (977a9b4)
configuratorMain.spec (4c9c132)
ConfiguratorSidebar.spec.ts (2df2930)
ConstructionVariants.spec.ts (dbf45df)
CookieBanner.spec.ts (f66e0f9)
disable devtools in prod (1bc38f7)
ExpandableIcons.vue (6f7a01e)
ExpandedView.spec (46542d9)
Export3D.spec (047a573)
exposed-api.spec.ts (66e6b85)
finalize fragment support (2bfa27f)
FloorColor.spec.ts (eac4c64)
fragment render function - omg it almost works (1e904b9)
FullscreenContainer.spec (538e019)
GdprEmailInput.spec.ts (f7b1c42)
generic error and popups not displaying (1b199b7)
get the sdk to render properly, interactions, etc (d067519)
global store types, upgrade vue-tsc, get the app building successfully (2aa66f3)
global typings (1431569)
GridView.spec (a9222d9)
gridView.vue proptype (10a277e)
GridView.vue type mismatch (22cf0a6)
GridViewElement.spec.ts (139e035)
GridViewMaterialElement.spec.ts (7c142ae)
HeightToggle.spec.ts (314f731)
HTMLElement typecast on queryselector (86eb0b8)
IconButton.spec.ts (7653e63)
ImageWithFallback.spec. (890066b)
ImageWithFallback.spec.ts (4a33e1a)
initData accessor types (5dab6fc)
InteractionContainer.spec.ts (a1931f0)
InteractionHeader.spec (c980051)
lint, update depdancies (8c29ad6)
MaterialParameter.spec.ts (8deac96)
merge master (db8a6d5)
minor fix for wallGeneralSettings (a1d923d)
more dynamic imports (6773da9)
more render function hacks in CollectionViewStatic (39d9be0)
more various type fixes (e83638a)
more various type fixes (63489e1)
more various typing stuff (3d0a848)
most of BottomBar.spec working (1cb0362)
nail global store provide pattern (7d6aef6)
NextParameterGroupButton.spec.ts (835bd53)
onCollapse types (148e84c)
onselect issue (d4b8628)
onSelectElement wallGeneralSettings, window/doorVariants (7a49a0d)
OpenARView.spec.ts (f66b045)
OptionsParameter.spec.ts (b65511b)
optionsParamter buttons (c67ceab)
Overlays.spec.ts (32b115b)
ParameterGroups spec (ff0e2d9)
partial RangeParameter.spec.ts (8cc0ce9)
partial SampleRooms.spec.ts (d45bd91)
partially fix PartList.spec (87bc37e)
partially fix PossibleChildren.spec.t (d57a89d)
partially fix RoomGeneralSettings.spec.ts (0d2527d)
partially fix RoomGeneralSettings.spec.ts (b10a91e)
partially fixed ConfiguratorSidebar.spec.ts (9647fe1)
Partlist imports (459ab0f)
PartList.vue types (5eaf7d4)
PartListPrint.spec.ts (c22c44a)
PartListRow.spec.ts (a5490cb)
PlannerMain.spec.ts (797efe5)
PopUp.spec.ts (23af209)
popups not working (177adec)
PossibleChildren.spec.ts (42caf45)
ProductListButton.spec.ts (a27a5fb)
ProductVariant.spec.ts (aacb9ca)
RangeParameter.spec.ts (875c93f)
remove bun lockfile (716def4)
remove options dropdown arrow duplicate (2577c3b)
remove provide (2d33d59)
remove remaining . accesses (a85b9b0)
remove setupInjects (4cce46b)
remove vue-select, we don't need it lol (8405b28)
replace destroyed with unmounted (2cd8ed3)
replace propoptions with proptype, remove inject-mimic-vue-3 (9cf1cfa)
replace propsData with props (cf3b5e0)
replace qrcode.js with qrcode.vue (0e199db)
revert buttons behavior (319cbb1)
revert TS changes (b9bb6bc)
RoomRangeParameter.spec.ts (f727cb7)
RoomSidebar.spec.ts (009eb1f)
RotationButtonWrapper.spec.ts (8c020f7)
SampleRooms.spec.ts (9269664)
SaveDraft.spec.ts (9b0ecd4)
scrollHint.spec.ts (114f9c2)
scrollhint.vue (5165807)
sdk-connector-planner.spec (3919ff6)
selected element on configurator (5aa7131)
SelectionButtons.spec.ts (175d0dc)
selectionPayload Overwrite (30170c5)
ShowWallMeasurements.spec (fd4c1c7)
sidebar icon spacing (b633291)
SidebarNav.spec.ts (b435d8e)
StopConfiguringButton.spec.ts (1abd387)
store.state.isplanner accesses (60a5ff3)
style issues, fonts, height-container margins (42547cf)
tabbed nav keys (16a1994)
TabbedNav.spec.ts (3805c17)
temp (76567a5)
tests (52c6177)
ThumbnailsParameter.spec.ts (fba856d)
Tooltip.spec (9c6c7a4)
tooltip.vue types (9f5478d)
topBar.spec (79e1e45)
topbarWrapper.vue slots (6e4c18c)
unable to select first floor/wallcolor (b408233)
unit switch css (00ed0fd)
update packages (214df66)
update usableVnode (d0c788d)
VariantWarning.spec.ts (7e47a89)
various store accesses types (6ebe4a3)
various type errors (6d2a4d1)
ViewerMain.spec.ts (0f1b608)
WallGeneralSettings.spec.ts (d9ff482)
wallRotationICon (6d1aa56)
WallSideIcon.spec (ec5c2ad)
wip even more working subcomponents (7ad3004)
wip kinda working onexpand (81c0c14)
wip partial (6b82051)
wip progress on render function fragments (37e700b)
wip working fragment renderer (50feb44)
WordWrap.spec.ts (4273552)
workaround the function array issue on collectionview again (e72580d)
working topBar.vue borders (dec1ac5)
4.60.0 (2023-08-17)
add product settings positions (75ed52b)
planner: always enable drawing mode in 2D (4dc532b)
always show sidebar on mobile and desktop (f5e0b3a)
create a numeric input component that can be used in range param as well (60fcbe3)
enable MM (0a31003)
general product settings second level draw (fede697)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.57.0 (9db6cfb)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.57.0-alpha.3 (2986ba4)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.58.0-alpha.1 (cc10805)
Bug Fixes
Dragging a door flickers sidebar (f1e48a8)
failing tests (a8c775b)
failing tests and skip hard to fix tests (bf08acb)
feedback fixes (b01978a)
label issue (eead7ab)
make wider (7cb9a8d)
MOC: expand collectionView for construction item return wrong preview (e12ea65)
mouseUp outside of button creates infinite number increase party (381056f)
separate productlist and partlist (d3e6e6e)
some minor glitches (becb694)
types (14be31b)
types1 (bb70be0)
types2 (faf7e18)
typo (7b9fe5d)
unit switch persist MM (62f3a0c)
use component runtimeId if available (640ca63)
use plannerApi if method not available. (e758769)
4.59.0 (2023-08-01)
Show components information in Rubens (68b11cd)
Show Material information in rubens (f3cf08b)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.57.0-alpha.1 (e0e5787)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.57.0-alpha.2 (33f66cb)
Bug Fixes
MOC: Icons inside Partlist is not displayed properly (9830b3a)
RAPI returns 400 when saving plansnapshot of room planner plan (3eaa156)
4.58.0 (2023-07-18)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.56.0 (c888618)
4.56.0 (2023-07-04)
Adapt deletion warning overlay for featureFlags.reDock=true (659418b)
integrate husky for better commit message and debugger check (e4bb1d5)
MOC: doors and windows - edit variant(s) (step 4) (1dbec18)
MOC: doors and windows - edit variant(s) (step 4) (4319736)
mostly working implementation (d688fff)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0 (f2e91b4)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.55.0-alpha.1 (9b053fe)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.55.0-alpha.2 (d465a3f)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.55.0-alpha.3 (f7bf0e1)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.55.0-alpha.4 (9abb5b8)
Bug Fixes
close mobile menu on reset camera (22f7cd2)
fix TS error (29a9420)
MOC: Header/desc inside AR popup misaligned (aa0079b)
MOC: Partlist on mobile close in wrong way when selecting something else (aab0c51)
rename function (883fb06)
rename var to isCameraIdle (79bdb35)
reset camera in SOC (3b62e38)
SOC: AR is broken on alpha (a0b0b7d)
test (6943a86)
tooltip icon is displayed with empty content (aac09c8)
update playwright assertions (0108cbb)
Webpage title broken on mobile (8299165)
4.55.0 (2023-06-20)
add icon and functions for creating a snapshot of the camera perspective (9b55f2f)
add undo and redo key binds, ignore if text input is focused (58505c2)
add wall/floor general color settings (dfea7ac)
check for packages versions before run Vite server (3e3fbc9)
enable camera snapshot (82ee01b)
Hold camera perspective icon behavior (066a809)
make tagged colors for wall, floor, window, doors (262e8a2)
make thumbnails configurable (f8b6817)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.53.0 (8e9c989)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.53.0-alpha.5 (74a6658)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.53.0-alpha.6 (f8318ac)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.1 (97c59fb)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.2 (4b5b491)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.3 (8b85b34)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.4 (0258303)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.5 (f7b2f2a)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.6 (242eafa)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.7 (3b1b8ca)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.8 (de51cea)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.54.0-alpha.9 (c4c2844)
Bug Fixes
add correct snapshots for playwright tests (b3d4554)
add last used room materials to store, bind to colorpicker (f77bfe0)
Additional parameter info Tooltip not showing up (3b4d29a)
all the TypeScript errors (2881958)
api call (a807de6)
bring floorColor up to date with rest of components, problem is materials is empty so it doesnt render yet... (62b1b7f)
cleanup (b7a2c9a)
cleanup (b489ba5)
cleanup (9518055)
cleanup (221aa79)
cleanup (328aa88)
cleanup (6101378)
cleanup (614f598)
code-review do not run click when it was a long-click (f599a1e)
do not check version if we run "npm run serveSdk" (b657aab)
even more stuff is working (d69b031)
even more things are working right now (0182eb8)
fix docs (d342dae)
fix eslint errors (2414844)
get floor color selection semi working (80d2160)
hide delete button (e3aed15)
hide wall dimensions when resetting camera (767c400)
make some tests pass 🎉 (fc67734)
make wall spec work (2b522fc)
merge master (e4f0e64)
mobile show all (ccdff52)
move corebound to computed (4961e76)
move handling of static-elements into helper function (63eb09e)
open the sidebar on wall or floor selection (29bf33f)
override browser defaults for input (366045f)
persist selected floor colors (45e32bb)
range sliders in room range (d225c6b)
semi fix unit switch (e294d78)
set first time room behavior correctly (40bcd39)
show all (75355cc)
sidebar (850f59b)
some more stuff (ec59fdb)
some more tests (dd8d3d1)
some tests (361c832)
test (33be841)
tests (e022f25)
toggle expand (1706f0d)
types (700c73e)
typescript as any (a450a3f)
typescript errors (c1797bd)
typescript errors (636ba42)
update sdk (1dc8892)
use correct CSS (0d2aea5)
use correct port (808e2c3)
use previous camera reset method (4c18f31)
use right method (9404051)
use string instead of symbol so that it's usable from URL (135bcbd)
wrap floor color in AssureSdkHandlers (2a32b40)
4.54.0 (2023-06-06)
add window parameters settings (5454c59)
display the units in the input properly and editable (d59234a)
make doors/windows deleteable (71f753d)
MOC: Doors - parameter infos on click ((step 3) (45bead2)
set measurementUnit on mount based on url parameter (365f03a)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.52.0 (5e8a909)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.53.0-alpha.1 (0a774b7)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.53.0-alpha.2 (1477e36)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.53.0-alpha.3 (affbd1e)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.53.0-alpha.4 (e4e15c4)
Bug Fixes
add failsafe to measurementUnit setter (d5b75ff)
also set the selection (eececfb)
clean (6f10ab1)
cleanup (3c72189)
cleanup (5c1505f)
enumify (0f94416)
move isInch into rangeSlider because its the only place it's used (faf68d8)
move measurementUnit into common ui state (69eb7c4)
prohibit show rotation icon when we click on wall node (f7976ea)
remove clg (46b2041)
Remove onRequest overlay everywhere (cc38c35)
remove-non-null (8030b01)
style again (afd813a)
test (f7b3194)
tests (4a716ab)
typo (b1bb867)
typo (36875ec)
update sdk version (45ed9c0)
4.53.0 (2023-05-23)
implement saving to plan snapshots instead of real plans (6839fd5)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.52.0-alpha.1 (f7b0541)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.52.0-alpha.2 (c660e4e)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.52.0-alpha.3 (8e67402)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.52.0-alpha.4 (bd795df)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.52.0-alpha.5 (9c014ab)
Bug Fixes
move InteractionHeader 1 div above in PartsList (6924337)
only save when it is needed (79e530b)
some tests (9996901)
use correct typescript types (e29e3f5)
4.52.0 (2023-05-11)
add callbacks for adding and removing element of the plan (8d280da)
add onPlanElementChanged callbacks (2524f90)
adding Parameter information tooltip (d49449c)
improve word-wrap (b3be4d8)
make clicking on the floor bring up the floor color selector UI (7f5b6d8)
mirror master branch for docs staging (e0aa429)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.50.0 (f0ad212)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.51.0 (f53a8d3)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.51.0-alpha.1 (f284e93)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.51.0-alpha.2 (631fbc5)
SDK: upgrade to version 2.51.0-alpha.3 (80d3a87)
Bug Fixes
add new callbacks to exposed callbacks mock (10486ae)
changed object can be also in the ui null (44b29d4)
disable UI on floor selection (7c34ae7)
do not reveal which password manager we use (24d42b8)
don't show rotation UI if floor is selected, update test (58be04e)
get null as object when wall added, removed or changed (92d700c)
intermediate fix for typescript problems (a7c0e02)
merge conflicts (0eb02f7)
remove loco key (d54594b)
set de translation for floor oclor (43a6ac0)
show the currently selected color on the floor color picker (99b1a9f)
Last updated