Material Definition Changelog

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[1.2.0] - 2019-07-24


  • Moved to repository

  • Switched to changelog markdown

  • Re-defined basecolor to be in sRGB color space

  • Set default basecolor to be 0.9 (which is 0.79 in linear space, a very bright white)

  • Re-defined "alpha" as opacity factor Already was treated like it in three.js implementations, but not in Unity. Trying to remove discrepancies.

  • Re-defined RGBA texture mapping's alpha channel to be alpha (in terms of opacity). Used for alpha clipping/testing as well


  • Texture mapping ORM: combined occlusion, roughness, metallic texture

  • Transmission factor and IOR to allow specular transmissive materials (glass) Note: No explicit transmission color. The base color is used.

  • Added occlusion strength (used in real-time when occlusion textures are present)


  • Removed obsolete specular factor Referred to the specular-glossiness workflow, which is not supported

[1.1.0] 2018-12-10


  • alphaCutoff

  • doubleSided


  • Declared specular workflow obsolete

[1.0.0] - Initial Version


  • Material properties

    • basecolor

    • roughness

    • metallic

    • alpha

    • specularity

  • Texture properties

    • id

    • material

    • width

    • height

    • mapping (RGB,RGBA,XYZ)

    • url

    • mmWidth

    • mmHeight

Last updated