Roomle Blender Addon

Addon, that allows you to export your scene into the Roomle Configurator Script format, accompanied by external mesh files.


Currently the addon is only provided as an installable zip file by Roomle directly for partners, clients and customers.

In the future you'll be able to download directly here.

Advanced users can check out Build to build it themselves.


  • Open Blender 2.81 (or later)

  • Navigate the main menu to "Edit" > "Preferences"

  • On the left side, click the "Add-ons" tab

  • Navigate to the downloaded file and install it

  • Now the addon is installed and needs to be activated. It is called "Import-Export: Roomle Configurator Script" (Blender usually pre-filters the addon list after installing, so it's at right the top)

  • Make sure the addon is activated by checking the checkbox left of its name.

How to export Roomle script

The export now can be found in the main menu at "File" > "Export" > "Roomle Script (txt)". For quicker access, it can also be found in the search menu.

On the lower left side of the file dialog, you can find some parameters for the export.

Catalog ID

Materials and external meshes are referenced by an identifier in Roomle Script, which consists of a Catalog ID and an mesh/material ID, separated by a colon (:). The catalog ID is provided by Roomle to you. If you happen to know it and provide it in this input field, all references will already have the correct catalog ID in the output script.

Only Selected Objects

By default, all objects containing meshes (so no cameras, lights, aramtures, etc.) in the scene are exported. If this option is enabled, only the currently selected objects will be exported.

Export Normals

By default the mesh normals are not export, but (smooth) normals are calculated at run-time. To gain finer control of the normals, check this option.

Note: Shading something flat (via Shade Flat operator) in the Blender viewport has no effect yet on the output script. Please break edge connections whenever you want a hard shaded edge. The easiest way to do this is the Edge Split modifier.

Apply Rotations

When this option is checked, rotations on objects will be applied into the geometry. This is the preferred way, since this calculation would otherwise be done at run-time (slower).

Only un-check this option if you plan to rotate the meshes in your script later on anyways.

Advanced settings

WARNING! Do not play with these settings if you are not 100% sure how they work.

Checking the Advanced Settings will unveil some more options.

Mesh export method

By default smaller meshes are exported as in-line AddMesh commands while bigger meshes are exported in separte files (see External meshes for detailed information). By changing this option to "Force intern" or "Force extern" you can override this decision. Warning: intern meshes create huge script files and become very slow to load at run-time.

Roomle Script Output

External meshes

In Roomle script there are two ways to add custom geometry.

  1. Internal meshes: AddMesh command with all mesh data as in-line parameters.

  2. External meshes: AddExternalMesh command, which loads an external, compressed mesh file.

In general external meshes are the preferred way, since they require a fraction of the space of their AddMesh counter-parts and load much faster and efficiently.

However, they require an additional network request at run-time. So for very simple objects (meshes with a with low triangles count) it makes more sense to include them in the script. The addon will automatically decide whether to make the mesh internal or external.

External meshes are expored in a subfolder which has the same name as the script file (.txt) itself. These are triangulated meshes, by default in Wavefront OBJ format. These files have to be uploaded to Roomle before they can be used.

Mesh compression

Upon upload, external mesh files are further compressed to become even smaller. This compression is lossy and can yield in artifacts. Feel free to report abnormities.

Best practice for preparing the scene

  • Try to apply rotation and scale on all objects, since these operations are otherwise calculated at run-time.

  • The addon has (limited) support of re-using mesh data. So try to re-use mesh data blocks wherever you can and do not give them individual scale and rotation values.

Optimize scene operator

The addon also comes with a handy optimize operator, which does some of the best practice optimizations automatically.

You can find it only in the search menu, labeled as Optimize Roomle static. This operator will:

  • Remove loose vertices (not attached to any face).

  • Center your objects at the scene origin, so that the bounding box is in the middle.

  • Reset all transforms and apply the rotation, scale and location into the mesh data.


Please report any issues or bugs you experience in the issue tracker.


Advanced developers can build the addon themselves. Note that we cannot provide support for custom builds.

There's a script called build.command, that packages the addon into a zip file. This works on macOS and should also work on Linux.

  • Double click at build.command

  • The file is created.

Last updated