July 2024

Room designer news

Purchasable items section in Room Designer product list

We implemented now two different sections in our room designer product list as in the past there often was confusion between non-purchasable items and purchasable items in the part list. We can now distinguish between both types of articles.

If there is a price available for a configuration, the configuration will show up in the upper section (products for cart) including their price. If no price is available (price does not exist or price is not available due to missing permissions) the configuration is showing up in the bottom list (articles in the plan).

Demo: https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?configuratorId=freistil&id=ps_i9a85hih3bsfg47p2ke0pi5pafsf7ao&api=false&catalogRootTag=rubens_room_demo_root&moc=true&usePriceService=true&locale=de

Anchor points of walls in Room Designer are mergeable/deletable

While drawing it was not possible to delete anchor points of walls, leading to odd situations where you cannot add windows in a specific way. We now implemented the same behaviour in Room Designer where you can now delete anchor points of walls if you merge them with other nodes.

Demo: https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?configuratorId=mocdemo&id=ps_i9ccvz4ngq023nxrg4dcpcgrohn4kdt&api=false&catalogRootTag=rubens_room_demo_root

Imagine the following situation:

You have a scene with two rooms like here:

You remove the second room via deleting all walls of it; which works fine but it will leave you the nodes from where the walls of the second room have been. The nasty thing about that is that you cannot place now a window in the right bottom corner, as the wall segment is too small for a window to be placed in there. You could move the nodes but the wall segments will always remain because the node cannot be deleted at all. This also leads an issue in displaying the overall lenght of the wall as the user will always see two segments.

With the latest version we are now able to delete the nodes via merging them with other nodes. The delete icon deletes the entire wall rather than a single node.

Coordinate parameter refinement

We tweaked the Z coordinate parameter logic in the room designer for all items (catalogue & construction). Only the coordinate parameters which can be changed (based on the wall angle) are now enabled. Also new is the general parapet parameter in the general room settings of the room designer.

Demo: https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?configuratorId=mocdemo&id=ps_i9dd2zftyajlrlm9xdqphavvfgpempx&api=false&catalogRootTag=rubens_room_demo_root

For construction elements on the long walls, only X coordinate parameter is changeable/enabled.

For construction elements on the short walls, only Y coordinate parameter is changeable/enabled.

For construction elements on the slanted walls, both coordinate parameters are changeable/enabled.

Load product into room designer

We can now load products quickly into a room designer scene without having to create a new catalogue structure in the background in Rubens Admin. Just navigate to the partlist and click the “Load Configuration ID” button and paste in either a productId or a roomle configuration link.

Demo: https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?configuratorId=mocdemo&id=ps_s06wb5essnwjmd6kh65ikserpvmoql1&api=false&catalogRootTag=rubens_room_demo_root&locale=en &https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?id=rolfbenzhome:nuvola&buttons.export3d=true&emails=false

Imagine the following situation:

You want to see how the Rolf Benz Nuvola Sofa looks inside your already-designed room. You configure the sofa based on your needs and save the configuration. With the saved configuration (URL or ID) you can now load the configuration into the room designer scene.

Just navigate to the product list section in the room designer and click the “Import product” button.

You can paste the configuration into the overlay and insert it via the “Import” buton.

Focus controller

Users can now disable/hide the room environment while being in the configuration mode of the room designer with the focus switch.

Demo: https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?configuratorId=freistil&id=ps_i9a85hih3bsfg47p2ke0pi5pafsf7ao&api=false&catalogRootTag=rubens_room_demo_root&moc=true&usePriceService=true&locale=de

When being in the configuration mode of an object in the room designer, the user can make the room environment visible if he selects “focus room” in the menu on the left side.

Last updated