Roomle Component Definition Reference

This document provides an overview of all available keys in the Component Definition JSON objects and reference for the RoomleScript language.

Component Definition Objects


"id" : String

Defines componentId, which serves as the unique key across the whole RAPI database. It is composed of catalogueId and externalId in format catalogueId:externalId.

File path of the file that contains the component definition should end with <catalogueId>/components/<externalId>.json.

This is the only mandatory member of a Component Definition.

"parameters" : [Parameter]

Holds list of [Parameters].

Parameters are displayed at the right side of the user interface in the configurator.

"parameterGroups" : [ParameterGroup]

Holds list of ParameterGroups.

Parameters and possibleChildren can be categorized to groups defined in this array.

Component : { "valid": Script?(true), "label": Script?, "labels": { (Language(_Country)?: String)+ }, "parameterGroups": [ ParameterGroup* ]?, "possibleChildren": [PossibleChild*], "parentDockings": ParentDockings?, "childDockings": ChildDockings?, "siblings":[ SiblingPoint* ]?, "addOnSpots":[ AddOnSpot* ]?, "geometry": Script, "geometryHD": Script?, "previewGeometry": Script, "environmentGeometry": Script?, "packageSizes": Array, "packaging": [Packaging+], "dimensioning": [ Dimensioning*]?, "pricing": [ PriceList+ ], "articleNr":Script, "subComponents":[SubComponent*], "onUpdate":Script?, "planInteraction": PlanInteraction, "plugin-data": PluginData? }


Parameter Group



Script Access Rights

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