June 2024

Rubens Admin news

Static item batch uploader

The import/export section of the catalogue in RuAd also now accepts a zip container with multiple static items.

A new draft catalogue is created with the items from the zip container.

After checking the draft can be merged into the live catalogue.

Find here the documentation of the static item batch uploader.

Rubens Admin Materials v2 form basic

Materials according to our new materials definition (="Materials v2") can now be created in Rubens Admin. The Material v2 specific shadings and texture maps can be displayed by checking the materials v2 checkbox in the material shadings form.

Email notifications for finished import processes (IDM & Batch upload)

After a successful data import (IDM or batch) an email is sent to the user that triggered the upload notifying the user about the finished upload.

Batch exported files renaming

Exported data out of RuAd also includes now the id of the catalogue to have a better idea of where the data comes from - instead of “results(1).zip”

Configurator news

Embedded URLs for parameters tooltips

Embedded URLs/iFrames are now also supported for parameters.

Data is set up as before in Rubens Admin - the only difference is that you can now add an embedded URL to be displayed in the Embedded URL text field. This embedded URL is then opened up as iFrame if the user clicks the "Show more" label inside the tooltip of the corresponding parameter.

Room Designer - Objects inside objects selectable

There have been selection issues when objects in the room designer have been nested within other objects. We got rid of the selection issues when there are objects “nested” inside other objects in the Room Designer. They can now be selected normally.

Last updated