April 2024

Room designer news

Link for demo: https://www.roomle.com/t/cp/?configuratorId=mocdemo&id=ps_s06wb5essnwjmd6kh65ikserpvmoql1&api=false&catalogRootTag=rubens_room_demo_root

Editable measurement bubbles

  • Measurement bubbles are now editable which means changes directly update the corresponding measurements. The following measurement bubbles are editable:

    • Object to wall bubbles

    • Wall bubbles

    • Measurement line bubbles

  • It works the same for both Desktop and Mobile devices

Movable 2D measurement lines (Drag & Drop)

  • The position of measurement lines in 2D can be changed via dragging & dopping after the initial placement of the measurement line

Room square meter measurements

  • Square meter measurements are shown automatically for each room in the scene

  • The square meter measurements get adapted live if the room size is changed

  • The square meter measurements are not editable

Hide room measurements when an object is selected

  • To reduce the number of measurement items in the 2D room designer scene, we hide now the room measurements after an object is selected

Construction elements attributes visible in Room Designer menu (visibleInPlanner flag)

  • Specific global parameters (which are marked visibleInPlanner) in the content definition of construction elements can now be displayed in the Room Designer menu after selection

    • which allows the user to change those parameters directly in the room designer scene without having to jump into the configuration mode

  • replaces the “static” logic of the static nonconfigurable construction elements

Last updated