API Reference / Modules / configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback / default

# Class: default


# Hierarchy

# Table of contents

# Constructors

# Properties

# Methods

# Constructors

# constructor

new default(creator)

# Parameters

Name Type
creator string

# Overrides


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:398 (opens new window)

# Properties

# _creator_

_creator_: string

# Inherited from


# Defined in

packages/common-core/src/utils/ui-callback.ts:8 (opens new window)

# onComponentPositionsUpdated

onComponentPositionsUpdated: (positions: UIComponentInfo[]) => void = null

# Type declaration

▸ (positions): void

gets called when the screen position of components/previews changes

# Parameters
Name Type
positions UIComponentInfo[]
# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:49 (opens new window)

# onKernelIsReady

onKernelIsReady: () => void = null

# Type declaration

▸ (): void

When kernel initialization is complete

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:43 (opens new window)

# Methods

# cameraStartsMoving

cameraStartsMoving(): void

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

packages/common-core/src/utils/ui-callback.ts:57 (opens new window)

# get

get(target, prop): string | (target: UiCallback, prop: keyof UiCallback) => string | (target: UiCallback, prop: keyof UiCallback) => string | ... | (() => void) | (() => void) | (() => void) | () => void | () => void | () => void | () => void | () => void | () => void

# Parameters

Name Type
target UiCallback
prop keyof UiCallback

# Returns

string | (target: UiCallback, prop: keyof UiCallback) => string | (target: UiCallback, prop: keyof UiCallback) => string | ... | (() => void) | (() => void) | (() => void) | () => void | () => void | () => void | () => void | () => void | () => void

# Inherited from


# Defined in

packages/common-core/src/utils/ui-callback.ts:43 (opens new window)

# mute

mute(): void

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

packages/common-core/src/utils/ui-callback.ts:17 (opens new window)

# onAddonPlusHidden

onAddonPlusHidden(): void

When all addon plus symbols are hidden in the user interface

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:267 (opens new window)

# onAddonPlusHover

onAddonPlusHover(): void

When user hovers over an addon plus symbol

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:252 (opens new window)

# onAddonPlusHoverOff

onAddonPlusHoverOff(): void

When user hovers over an addon plus symbol

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:257 (opens new window)

# onAddonPlusShown

onAddonPlusShown(): void

When all addon plus symbols are shown in the user interface

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:262 (opens new window)

# onBoundsUpdate

onBoundsUpdate(bounds): void

When the bounds of the object are changed/updated, this event is triggered on start up and when a configuration changes

# Parameters

Name Type
bounds Object
bounds.depth string
bounds.height string
bounds.kernelBounds KernelCube
bounds.width string

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:115 (opens new window)

# onCameraPositionChanges

onCameraPositionChanges(): void

called when camera position starts to change or is changing at the moment

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:359 (opens new window)

# onChangeTypeChangeTag

onChangeTypeChangeTag(rapiId): void

When @roomle/web-sdk/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator#RoomleConfigurator.changeTypeChangeTag as been called and the sync has been started

# Parameters

Name Type
rapiId string

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:315 (opens new window)

# onClickComponent

onClickComponent(component): void

This function gets called when a selectable component on a configurable element has been clicked on. An equivalent function for component clicks is onClickElement in the roomle-planner-ui-callback.ts

# Parameters

Name Type Description
component RoomleComponent RoomleComponent instance of the clicked component

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:373 (opens new window)

# onClickOutside

onClickOutside(): void

When the user clicks on no UI element, can be used to deselect

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:153 (opens new window)

# onComponentLoadError

onComponentLoadError(error, id): void

When a requested component could not be loaded from RAPI

# Parameters

Name Type
error Error
id string

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:304 (opens new window)

# onConfigurationHasChildren

onConfigurationHasChildren(hasChildren): void

Updates when the current configuration changes

# Parameters

Name Type
hasChildren boolean

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:216 (opens new window)

# onConfigurationLabelChange

onConfigurationLabelChange(catalogName, rapiItemLabel, rootComponentLabel): void

Gets called when a new item/configuration has been loaded

# Parameters

Name Type
catalogName string
rapiItemLabel string
rootComponentLabel string

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:329 (opens new window)

# onConfigurationLoadError

onConfigurationLoadError(): void

Gets called when configuration/configurable-item could not be loaded

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:309 (opens new window)

# onConfigurationReady

onConfigurationReady(partList, hash, rootComponentLabel): void

When configuration has been loaded completely, this can be useful to hide loading indicators

# Parameters

Name Type
partList KernelPartList
hash string
rootComponentLabel string

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:133 (opens new window)

# onConfigurationSaved

onConfigurationSaved(configurationHash): void

is called when the configuration is saved to our backend

# Parameters

Name Type
configurationHash string

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:353 (opens new window)

# onConfiguratorKernelIsReady

onConfiguratorKernelIsReady(kernelContainer, kernelInstance): void

is called when the configurator kernel is ready. It returns the container and the instance

# Parameters

Name Type
kernelContainer PlannerKernelContainer | ConfiguratorKernelContainer
kernelInstance ConfiguratorKernelClass

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:345 (opens new window)

# onContentProblem

onContentProblem(data): void

When an asset could not be loaded (for example an image or texture). See paths or ids to identify the problem.

# Parameters

Name Type
data Object
data.ids string[]
data.message string
data.rapiPath RAPI_PATHS

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:273 (opens new window)

# onDimensionsVisibilityChange

onDimensionsVisibilityChange(visible): void

When the visibility of the dimensions changes from visible to gone or vice versa. Doesn't matter if triggered by the user or via SDK

# Parameters

Name Type
visible boolean

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:185 (opens new window)

# onDockingsPreviewRemoved

onDockingsPreviewRemoved(): void

When dockings/ghosts are no longer visible

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:210 (opens new window)

# onElementDocked

onElementDocked(component, id): void

Fires after an element has been docked

# Parameters

Name Type Description
component KernelComponent the child component that was docked to the parent component
id number the runtime id of the child component

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:204 (opens new window)

# onError

onError(error): void

When any generic error is thrown while requesting data

# Parameters

Name Type
error Error

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:197 (opens new window)

# onErrorDueToOffline

onErrorDueToOffline(error): void

When not connected to the internet

# Parameters

Name Type
error Error

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:191 (opens new window)

# onGeometryNotReady

onGeometryNotReady(runtimeId): void

This function gets called when a geometry is not ready

# Parameters

Name Type
runtimeId number

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:396 (opens new window)

# onGeometryReady

onGeometryReady(runtimeId): void

This function gets called when a geometry is ready

# Parameters

Name Type Description
runtimeId number number

# Returns



# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:389 (opens new window)

# onHistoryChange

onHistoryChange(undo, redo): void

gets called if history changes

# Parameters

Name Type Description
undo boolean true if undo is possible
redo boolean true if redo is possible

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:366 (opens new window)

# onLoadConfiguration

onLoadConfiguration(): void

When a new item or configuration is loading, this can be useful to display loading screens etc

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:125 (opens new window)

# onMemoryCorruption

onMemoryCorruption(): void

When kernel failed to load a mesh

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:338 (opens new window)

# onNoDockingsAvailable

onNoDockingsAvailable(): void

Is triggered when @roomle/web-sdk/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator#RoomleConfigurator.previewDockings has no available dockings

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:158 (opens new window)

# onOpenAddOns

onOpenAddOns(): void

When UI should show add ons

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:148 (opens new window)

# onOpenFloorMaterials

onOpenFloorMaterials(): void

When UI should show floor material selection

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:292 (opens new window)

# onOpenPartList

onOpenPartList(): void

When UI should show part list

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:297 (opens new window)

# onOpenTag

onOpenTag(tag): void

When UI should show the overlay based on the selected tag. Gets triggered when @roomle/web-sdk/common-core/src/utils/shims#CommonInitData.startTag is set

# Parameters

Name Type
tag RapiTagForUi

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:143 (opens new window)

# onPartListUpdate

onPartListUpdate(partList, hash): void

When part list has been changed/updated, this event is triggered on start up and when a configuration changes

# Parameters

Name Type
partList KernelPartList
hash string

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:105 (opens new window)

# onRemoveTypeChangeTag

onRemoveTypeChangeTag(rapiId): void

When @roomle/web-sdk/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator#RoomleConfigurator.removeTypeChangeTag as been called

# Parameters

Name Type
rapiId string

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:321 (opens new window)

# onRequestExternalMesh

onRequestExternalMesh(meshId, quality): void

This function gets called when an external mesh is requested

# Parameters

Name Type Description
meshId string meshId
quality number number between 0 and 100

# Returns



# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:381 (opens new window)

# onSelectionCancel

onSelectionCancel(): void

When a component or item selection has been canceled

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:97 (opens new window)

# onSelectionChange

onSelectionChange(selectionMode, isRoot, hasChildren, components): void

When a/another (different) component has been selected

# Parameters

Name Type
selectionMode string
isRoot boolean
hasChildren boolean
components KernelComponent[]

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:87 (opens new window)

# onSyncDone

onSyncDone(): void

When a previously requested sync has been completed

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:287 (opens new window)

# onSyncStarted

onSyncStarted(): void

When a sync has been started

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:282 (opens new window)

# onUiIntersectionChange

onUiIntersectionChange(intersections): void

When the configuration overlaps the UI (defined by @roomle/web-sdk/common-core/src/common-interfaces#CanvasOffset)

# Parameters

Name Type
intersections UIIntersection[]

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:164 (opens new window)

# onUpdateParameters

onUpdateParameters(parameters): void

When component parameters are changed/updated, this event is triggered on start up and when a configuration changes

# Parameters

Name Type
parameters UiKernelParameter[]

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:57 (opens new window)

# onUpdatePossibleChildren

onUpdatePossibleChildren(tags, defaultChild): void

When children of a component change, this event is triggered on start up and when a configuration changes

# Parameters

Name Type
tags UiPossibleChildTag[]
defaultChild UiPossibleChild

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:66 (opens new window)

# onUpdatePrice

onUpdatePrice(currencySymbol, price): void

When the price of a configuration/item changes, this event is triggered on start up and when a configuration changes

# Parameters

Name Type
currencySymbol string
price number

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:77 (opens new window)

# onUserInitiatedDockDone

onUserInitiatedDockDone(childDbId, childDockId, parentDbId, parentDockId, position): void

When a dock component call has been completed

# Parameters

Name Type Description
childDbId string the database id of the component which is docked
childDockId number the number of the dock position
parentDbId string the database id of the component to which is docked
parentDockId number the number of the dock position to which is docked
position KernelVector3 vector where the dock is done can be null

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:241 (opens new window)

# onZoomChange

onZoomChange(minZoom, maxZoom): void

When the zoom level has been changed by the user

# Parameters

Name Type Description
minZoom boolean true when zoomed out as far as possible
maxZoom boolean true when zoomed in as much as possible

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:172 (opens new window)

# onZoomToComponent

onZoomToComponent(): void

When the use clicks on a configurable element twice to zoom the camera onto said element. Doesn't matter if triggered by the user or via SDK

# Returns


# Defined in

packages/configurator-core/src/services/configurator-ui-callback.ts:178 (opens new window)

# unmute

unmute(): void

# Returns


# Inherited from


# Defined in

packages/common-core/src/utils/ui-callback.ts:21 (opens new window)