# RoomleAR for iOS

RoomleAR.framework is the iOS framework for displaying Roomle products in AR.

# Requirements

RoomleAR.framework requires an iOS app with an deployment target of iOS 13.0 or later.

# Installation

# Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)

  • In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  • Select your project > search or enter package dependency URL
  • Paste https://gitlab.com/roomle/consumer/RoomleAR.
  • Setup Package Rules: Use default values or customize based on your needs
  • Add Package to desired Products and Targets

# Camera Permission

For your app to use RoomleAR, the user must explicitly grant your app permission for camera access. RoomleAR automatically asks the user for permission the first time your app runs an AR session.

NOTE: iOS requires your app to provide a static message to be displayed when the system asks for camera or microphone permission. Your app's Info.plist file must include the Privacy - Camera Usage Description (NSCameraUsageDescription) key. For that key, provide text that explains why your app needs camera access so that the user can feel confident granting permission to your app.

# Usage

Import the RoomleAR module in your desired class:

import RoomleAR

RoomleARView is a UIView subview, which you can attach to any view in your app.

let arView = RoomleARView()
arView.attachTo(view: yourContainerView)

You can use the convenience function RoomleARView.attachTo(view:) to add the AR view to one of your views and we set the correspondending autolayout constraints to automatically adapt to size changes of your view.

Then you are ready to show your product:


We download the products' 3D asset and add it to the AR scene. Basic gestures for interacting with the product(move and rotate) are automatically added.

Please refer to the documentation (opens new window) a more information.

# Reference Documentation

# Classes

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