# RoomleCatalogCategory


  • Properties
    • id
    • name
    • iconUrl
    • inspirationImageUrl
    • categories
    • items

Representation of a category with data like name, sort, categories and items. This object is only data transfer object (DTO), therefore you can't execute any additional functions like searches or something similar. It is only meant to provide information.

All informations are readonly. If an object like this is queried twice via a RoomleDataManager instance, then it is possible that there are two different instance which contains same information.

# Properties

# id

Identifier of this category. It is not an identifier of this object.

# name

Name of this category.

# iconUrl

An url to the icon image of this category. If value is nil, then there is no image available.

# inspirationImageUrl

An url to the inspiration image of this category. If value is nil, then there is no image available.

# categories

Associated categories for this category.

# items

Associated items for this category.