# Administration

# User management

NOTE: Multiple users are not supported in Level 1, and the User management is only visible for users with the Admin role.

Within a tenant you can add users, remove them or change their rights. Navigate to the User management by clicking on the hamburger menu on the top left. A drawer menu shows up.

Under User management you will find information about all users that are assigned to the current tenant.

# Invite a new user

If you want to add a new user to your tenant,

  • Click on Create new user connection.
  • Enter the Email address of the user you want to invite.
  • Assign the desired Roles by clicking on the red plus and selecting the respective role. You can assign as many roles as you like.
  • To send the invitation, click on SAVE.

The user will now automatically receive an email in which he must confirm his address to create his account.

# Remove a user from a tenant

If you want to remove a user from a tenant, remove all roles assigned to him.

# User roles

There are different user roles in Rubens Admin. Here you can find an overview of the most importent rights.

Admin Catalog Manager Catalog Meta Manager Statistics Data Price Manager Marketer
View tenant analytics x x
User management x
Tenant payment x
View catalogs and their related content such as products x x x x
Create catalogs and release draft catalogs x x
Modify catalog information like name, description, etc. x x
Create products x x x
Modify product information like name, description, etc. x x x x
Modify the product configuration script x x
Create components and modify the component definition script x x
Modify component information like name, description, etc. x x x
Create materials and modify the material shadings x x
Modify material information like name, description, etc. x x x
Create or modify textures x x
Create or modify meshes x x
Create tags x x
Modify tag information like name, description, etc. x x x
Rendering and 3D exports
Request renderings and 3D exports in Rubens Admin x x
Create or modify catalog prices x x

# User settings

Manage your personal settings like name, email address and password. When you are logged in, there is an avatar icon in the top right corner. Click on the icon, then on your email address to open the user settings of your account.

# Edit personal data

Under User profile, enter First name and Last name and click SAVE to save your changes. DISCARD will reset your changes.

In this section you can also find the information when your account was registered and when you logged in the last time.

# Change email address

Under Change email address, enter the new email address and your password and click CHANGE. You will receive an email when the email address was successfully changed.

# Change password

Under Change password, you have to enter the Old password and New password and click SAVE PASSWORD.

# Delete user account

If you want to delete your user account, navigate to the Floorplanner user settings (opens new window) and click DELETE ACCOUNT. You will not be able to undo this action. Please be aware that access to Rubens Admin and Floorplanner will no longer be possible afterwards.

# Tenant settings

# Rubens settings

The Rubens configurator has several properties that can be set and change the appearance. This includes, for example, showing and hiding the AR button or setting an initial floor material. You can find the full list of properties here (opens new window).

You can change the Rubens configurator settings in your tenant account by following these steps:

  1. Click on the hamburger menu on the top left. A drawer menu shows up. Now click on Tenant settings.

  2. Inside the Tenant settings page, you will see a selected configurator ID. If the tenant account has multiple configurators, you can switch between them using a select box.

  3. Type the settings in the textarea on the page. The input has to be valid JSON, see our examples here. To see how it will look, there is a RELOAD PREVIEW button to reload the displayed configurator with the new settings.

  4. As soon as you are happy with the result, click the SAVE button on the top to publish the changes.

# Rubens settings examples

Find a list of examples of the Rubens settings here to understand how they need to be set. You can simply copy and paste the code into the Rubens Admin UI.

# Enable emails

Data type: boolean

If this is set to true the Save draft will be done by sending an email.

    "emails": true

# Show or hide buttons

Data type: object

Show or hide different buttons like the AR or Export 3D button here. The full list of buttons can be found here (opens new window).

    "buttons": {
        "ar": false,
        "export3d": true

# Set the zoom distance

Data type: number

Set the distance to which the user can zoom in centimeters. The default is the object size divided by 10 or 10 cm.

    "zoomDistance": 3

# Set the initial floor material

Data type: string

Set the floor material which is used when loading the configurator.

    "initialFloorMaterial": "roomle_floor:DresdenEiche"

# Set the skin

Data type: string

Set the primary color for the Rubens configurator.

    "skin": {
        "primary-color": "blue"

# Override translations to change labels for some or all languages

Override translations to change labels for some or all languages. The full list of labels can be found here (opens new window).

    "translations": {
        "en": {
            "params": {
                "request-product": "Add to cart"

# Setting multiple properties at once

    "emails": true,
    "buttons": {
        "ar": false,
        "export3d": true
    "zoomDistance": 3,
    "initialFloorMaterial": "roomle_floor:DresdenEiche"

# Webhook

You have the possibility to define a webhook URL in Rubens Admin to respond to events.

Enter the URL into the Webhook URL field under Email webhook and save. Find more information about webhooks here (opens new window) and an example here (opens new window).

# Analytics

Under Analytics you will find information about the use of the embedded configurators. To get there, click on the hamburger menu on the top left. A drawer menu shows up. Now click on Analytics.

# Task history

Under Task history you can see the renderings, 3D exports and 3D imports that were requested per tenant in Rubens Admin. You can use the filters above the table to filter by the following:

  • Type: filter by task type like renderings, 3D exports and 3D imports.
  • Catalog: filter by the catalog to see only the jobs that happened for products in this catalog. By default no catalog is selected and only catalogs that also provide a result are available for selection.
  • Period: Filter by jobs that happened per selected month. By default the current month is selected.

In the table, you can see the task details like the product, the creation date, the user that requested the task and if the task was successful or failed. By clicking on download a finished rendering or 3D export can be downloaded again. In case of a 3D import there is a go to product link to navigate to the product to see the result. In case of a product variation that has not been saved, this link will take you to the product the variation was created from.

# Saved configurations

Under Saved configurations you can see which configurations are saved internally when specific actions are triggered. This includes AR, 3D export, save draft and requesting a product. The information about it is saved and can be exported here as a CSV or JSON. These files do not contain user email addresses. If you are interested in them use the Save draft analytics.

The files can be exported for a selected Period and Configurator ID and contain the following information:

  • link the actual link to the Rubens configurator in which the product is loaded according to the saved configurations.
  • thumbnail the preview image of the saved configuration of the product.
  • creationDate the time at which the configuration was saved.
  • action the action that the user performed in the Rubens UI.
  • count the number of the same configuration if the data is already aggregated. If the aggregationLevel is real time this value is always 1.
  • aggregationLevel the aggregation level of the stored data. Possible values are real time, daily and monthly.
  • partlist contains an aggregated view of the current components (and subcomponents) according to the saved configurations. See more about partlist here

# Saved user drafts

Under Saved user drafts you can see which configurations are saved directly by users. Once a user uses the Save draft functionality in Rubens, the information about it is saved and can be exported here as a CSV or JSON.

Note that all save draft events will be counted, even if the configuration is not sent via email. In this case the userEmail column will be empty.

The files can be exported for a selected Period and Configurator ID and contain the following information:

  • link the actual link to the Rubens configurator in which the product is loaded according to the saved configurations.
  • thumbnail the preview image of the saved configuration of the product.
  • creationDate the time at which the configuration was saved.
  • action the action that the user performed in the Rubens UI. In the case of saved configurations this is always Save Draft. The corresponding number in the JSON file is 302.
  • count the number of the same configuration if the data is already aggregated. If the aggregationLevel is real time this value is always 1.
  • aggregationLevel the aggregation level of the stored data. Possible values are real time, daily and monthly.
  • userEmail the email that was specified.
  • partlist contains an aggregated view of the current components (and subcomponents) according to the saved configurations. See more about partlist here

# Views

Under Views you can see which configurations are loaded by users. The information about the views is saved and can be exported here as a CSV or JSON.

The files can be exported for a selected Period and Configurator ID and contain the following information:

  • link the actual link to the Rubens configurator in which the product is loaded according to the view.
  • thumbnail the preview image of the product.
  • creationDate the time at which the configuration was viewed.
  • action the action that the user performed in the Rubens UI. In the case of views this is always View in the CSV. The corresponding number in the JSON file is 1.
  • count the number of the same configuration if the data is already aggregated. If the aggregationLevel is real time this value is always 1.
  • aggregationLevel the aggregation level of the stored data. Possible values are real time, daily and monthly.

# 3D export

Under 3D export you can see which 3D exports were created by users. The information about the 3D exports is saved and can be exported here as a CSV or JSON.

The files can be exported for a selected Period, Source, and Configurator ID - If the Source is All, the file will contain the tasks that happened in Rubens Admin and the configurator for all available configurator IDs. The Configurator ID is disabled in this case.
- If the Source is Rubens Admin, the file will contain all tasks that were requested in Rubens Admin. The Configurator ID is disabled in this case.
- If the Source is Configurator, the file will contain all the tasks that were requested in the configurator for the selected configurator ID. In this case, you have to select the Configurator ID.

and result contain the following information:

  • link the actual link to the Rubens configurator in which the product is loaded according to the 3D export.
  • thumbnail the preview image of the product.
  • creationDate the time at which the 3D export was requested.
  • action the action that the user performed in the Rubens UI. In the case of a 3D export this is always 3D export in the CSV. The corresponding number in the JSON file is 4.
  • count the number of the same configuration if the data is already aggregated. If the aggregationLevel is real time this value is always 1.
  • aggregationLevel the aggregation level of the stored data. Possible values are real time, daily and monthly.

# Renderings

Under Renderings you can see which renderings were created by users in Rubens Admin. The information about the renderings is saved and can be exported here as a CSV or JSON.

The files can be exported for a selected Period and contain the following information:

  • link the actual link to the Rubens configurator in which the product is loaded according to the renderings.
  • thumbnail the preview image of the product.
  • creationDate the time at which the renderings were requested.
  • action the action that the user performed in the Rubens UI. In the case of renderings this is always renderings in the CSV. The corresponding number in the JSON file is 5.
  • count the number of the same configuration if the data is already aggregated. If the aggregationLevel is real time this value is always 1.
  • aggregationLevel the aggregation level of the stored data. Possible values are real time, daily and monthly.

# Prices and billing

  1. There are two easy ways to access your billing information:

    • Open the hamburger menu in the top left corner. Click on Pricing & billing to open the pricing and billing details page.
    • Click on the user profile in the top right corner to open a dropdown menu. The section PRICING & BILLING shows your current account status. Click on the more info button to open the pricing and billing details page.
  2. Choose one of the provided packages and click UPGRADE to add the billing information. If you already purchased a package, you can see a panel with your Billing information on the price and billing page. You can easily update the information by clicking on the change billing information.

  3. A form with your current billing information is shown. Update the information and click on SAVE. Use the GO TO STRIPE button to verify the changes will be printed correctly on your next invoice.