API ReferenceGlobalsPreviewLineComponent

# Interface: PreviewLineComponent

# Hierarchy



# Index

# Constructors

# Properties

# Methods

# Constructors

# constructor

+ new PreviewLineComponent(): PreviewLineComponent

Inherited from RoomleComponent.constructor

Overrides void

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:22

Returns: PreviewLineComponent

# Properties

# animations

animations: AnimationClip[]

Inherited from RoomleComponent.animations

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:161

Array with animation clips.

default []

# boundingBox

boundingBox: Box3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.boundingBox

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:26

# boundingBoxMesh

boundingBoxMesh: Mesh

Inherited from RoomleComponent.boundingBoxMesh

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:27

# boundingLineMesh

boundingLineMesh: Mesh

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:100

# castShadow

castShadow: boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.castShadow

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:137

Gets rendered into shadow map.

default false

# childDockId

childDockId: number

Inherited from PreviewComponent.childDockId

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:77

# childId

childId: number

Inherited from PreviewComponent.childId

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:76

# children

children: Object3D[]

Inherited from RoomleComponent.children

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:57

Array with object's children.

default []

# customDepthMaterial

customDepthMaterial: Material

Inherited from RoomleComponent.customDepthMaterial

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:175

Custom depth material to be used when rendering to the depth map. Can only be used in context of meshes. When shadow-casting with a DirectionalLight or SpotLight, if you are (a) modifying vertex positions in the vertex shader, (b) using a displacement map, (c) using an alpha map with alphaTest, or (d) using a transparent texture with alphaTest, you must specify a customDepthMaterial for proper shadows.

# customDistanceMaterial

customDistanceMaterial: Material

Inherited from RoomleComponent.customDistanceMaterial

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:180

Same as customDepthMaterial, but used with PointLight.

# docklineRotation

docklineRotation: Euler

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:97

# frustumCulled

frustumCulled: boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.frustumCulled

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:149

When this is set, it checks every frame if the object is in the frustum of the camera. Otherwise the object gets drawn every frame even if it isn't visible.

default true

# geometryChanged

geometryChanged: boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.geometryChanged

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:32

# hash

hash: string

Inherited from RoomleComponent.hash

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:31

# id

id: number

Inherited from RoomleComponent.id

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:29

Unique number of this object instance.

# isObject3D

isObject3D: true

Inherited from RoomleComponent.isObject3D

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:186

Used to check whether this or derived classes are Object3Ds. Default is true. You should not change this, as it is used internally for optimisation.

# layers

layers: Layers

Inherited from RoomleComponent.layers

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:126

default new THREE.Layers()

# lineFrom

lineFrom: Vector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:88

# lineMesh

lineMesh: Mesh

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:99

# lineTo

lineTo: Vector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:89

# loadingMesh

loadingMesh: Mesh

Inherited from RoomleComponent.loadingMesh

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:28

# matrix

matrix: Matrix4

Inherited from RoomleComponent.matrix

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:103

Local transform.

default new THREE.Matrix4()

# matrixAutoUpdate

matrixAutoUpdate: boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.matrixAutoUpdate

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:115

When this is set, it calculates the matrix of position, (rotation or quaternion) and scale every frame and also recalculates the matrixWorld property.

default THREE.Object3D.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate

# matrixWorld

matrixWorld: Matrix4

Inherited from RoomleComponent.matrixWorld

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:109

The global transform of the object. If the Object3d has no parent, then it's identical to the local transform.

default new THREE.Matrix4()

# matrixWorldNeedsUpdate

matrixWorldNeedsUpdate: boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.matrixWorldNeedsUpdate

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:121

When this is set, it calculates the matrixWorld in that frame and resets this property to false.

default false

# meshes

meshes: Mesh[]

Inherited from RoomleComponent.meshes

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:25

# modelViewMatrix

modelViewMatrix: Matrix4

Inherited from RoomleComponent.modelViewMatrix

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:92

default new THREE.Matrix4()

# name

name: string

Inherited from RoomleComponent.name

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:40

Optional name of the object (doesn't need to be unique).

default ''

# normalMatrix

normalMatrix: Matrix3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.normalMatrix

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:97

default new THREE.Matrix3()

# onAfterRender

onAfterRender: function

Inherited from RoomleComponent.onAfterRender

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:203

Calls after rendering object

# Type declaration:

▸ (renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: Geometry | BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group): void


Name Type
renderer WebGLRenderer
scene Scene
camera Camera
geometry Geometry | BufferGeometry
material Material
group Group

# onBeforeRender

onBeforeRender: function

Inherited from RoomleComponent.onBeforeRender

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:191

Calls before rendering object

# Type declaration:

▸ (renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: Geometry | BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group): void


Name Type
renderer WebGLRenderer
scene Scene
camera Camera
geometry Geometry | BufferGeometry
material Material
group Group

# parent

parent: Object3D | null

Inherited from RoomleComponent.parent

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:51

Object's parent in the scene graph.

default null

# parentDockId

parentDockId: number

Inherited from PreviewComponent.parentDockId

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:75

# parentId

parentId: number

Inherited from PreviewComponent.parentId

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:74

# parentObjectId

parentObjectId: number

Inherited from RoomleComponent.parentObjectId

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:24

# position

position: Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.position

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:69

Object's local position.

default new THREE.Vector3()

# positionFrom

positionFrom: Vector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:90

# positionTo

positionTo: Vector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:91

# quaternion

quaternion: Quaternion

Inherited from RoomleComponent.quaternion

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:81

Object's local rotation as a Quaternion.

default new THREE.Quaternion()

# receiveShadow

receiveShadow: boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.receiveShadow

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:143

Material gets baked in shadow receiving.

default false

# receivedPointAssociation

receivedPointAssociation: boolean

Inherited from PreviewComponent.receivedPointAssociation

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:80

# renderOrder

renderOrder: number

Inherited from RoomleComponent.renderOrder

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:155

Overrides the default rendering order of scene graph objects, from lowest to highest renderOrder. Opaque and transparent objects remain sorted independently though. When this property is set for an instance of Group, all descendants objects will be sorted and rendered together.

default 0

# roomleLineFrom

roomleLineFrom: KernelVector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:93

# roomleLineTo

roomleLineTo: KernelVector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:94

# roomlePosition

roomlePosition: KernelVector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.roomlePosition

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:29

# roomlePositionFrom

roomlePositionFrom: KernelVector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:95

# roomlePositionTo

roomlePositionTo: KernelVector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:96

# roomleRotation

roomleRotation: KernelVector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.roomleRotation

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:30

# rotation

rotation: Euler

Inherited from RoomleComponent.rotation

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:75

Object's local rotation (Euler angles), in radians.

default new THREE.Euler()

# runtimeId

runtimeId: number

Inherited from RoomleComponent.runtimeId

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:23

# scale

scale: Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.scale

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:87

Object's local scale.

default new THREE.Vector3()

# stringId

stringId: string

Inherited from PreviewComponent.stringId

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:79

# type

type: string

Inherited from RoomleComponent.type

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:45

default 'Object3D'

# up

up: Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.up

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:63

Up direction.

default THREE.Object3D.DefaultUp.clone()

# userData

userData: object

Inherited from RoomleComponent.userData

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:167

An object that can be used to store custom data about the Object3d. It should not hold references to functions as these will not be cloned.

default {}

# Type declaration:

  • [ key: string]: any

# uuid

uuid: string

Inherited from RoomleComponent.uuid

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:34

# visible

visible: boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.visible

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:131

Object gets rendered if true.

default true

# Static DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate

DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate: boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.DefaultMatrixAutoUpdate

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:213

# Static DefaultUp

DefaultUp: Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.DefaultUp

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:212

# Methods

# add

add(...object: Object3D[]): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.add

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:319

Adds object as child of this object.


Name Type
...object Object3D[]

Returns: this

# addEventListener

addEventListener(type: string, listener: function): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.addEventListener

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/EventDispatcher.d.ts:27

Adds a listener to an event type.


type: string

The type of event to listen to.

listener: function

The function that gets called when the event is fired.

▸ (event: Event): void


Name Type
event Event

Returns: void

# addMesh

addMesh(mesh: Mesh, transform?: Float32Array): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.addMesh

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:36


Name Type
mesh Mesh
transform? Float32Array

Returns: void

# applyMatrix4

applyMatrix4(matrix: Matrix4): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.applyMatrix4

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:218

This updates the position, rotation and scale with the matrix.


Name Type
matrix Matrix4

Returns: void

# applyQuaternion

applyQuaternion(quaternion: Quaternion): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.applyQuaternion

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:220


Name Type
quaternion Quaternion

Returns: this

# attach

attach(object: Object3D): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.attach

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:334

Adds object as a child of this, while maintaining the object's world transform.


Name Type
object Object3D

Returns: this

# clear

clear(): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.clear

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:329

Removes all child objects.

Returns: this

# clone

clone(recursive?: boolean): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.clone

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:382


Name Type
recursive? boolean

Returns: this

# clonePreview

clonePreview(numberOfDuplication: number): PreviewComponent

Inherited from PreviewComponent.clonePreview

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:82


Name Type
numberOfDuplication number

Returns: PreviewComponent

# clonePreviewLine

clonePreviewLine(numberOfDuplication: number): PreviewLineComponent

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:102


Name Type
numberOfDuplication number

Returns: PreviewLineComponent

# computeBoundingBox

computeBoundingBox(boxForMeasurements?: KernelCube, useMeshes?: boolean): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.computeBoundingBox

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:58


Name Type
boxForMeasurements? KernelCube
useMeshes? boolean

Returns: void

# copy

copy(source: this, recursive?: boolean): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.copy

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:389


Name Type Description
source this -
recursive? boolean

Returns: this

# deselect

deselect(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.deselect

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:48

Returns: void

# dispatchEvent

dispatchEvent(event: object): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.dispatchEvent

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/EventDispatcher.d.ts:47

Fire an event type.


event: object

Name Type
type string

Returns: void

# getKernelPosition

getKernelPosition(newParent: RoomleComponent): KernelVector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getKernelPosition

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:66


Name Type
newParent RoomleComponent

Returns: KernelVector3

# getMeshById

getMeshById(meshId: string): Mesh

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getMeshById

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:42


Name Type
meshId string

Returns: Mesh

# getObjectById

getObjectById(id: number): Object3D | undefined

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getObjectById

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:340

Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching id.


Name Type Description
id number Unique number of the object instance

Returns: Object3D | undefined

# getObjectByName

getObjectByName(name: string): Object3D | undefined

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getObjectByName

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:346

Searches through the object's children and returns the first with a matching name.


Name Type Description
name string String to match to the children's Object3d.name property.

Returns: Object3D | undefined

# getObjectByProperty

getObjectByProperty(name: string, value: string): Object3D | undefined

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getObjectByProperty

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:348


Name Type
name string
value string

Returns: Object3D | undefined

# getPositionForIntersectionPoint

getPositionForIntersectionPoint(intersectionPoint: Vector3): Vector3

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:104


Name Type
intersectionPoint Vector3

Returns: Vector3

# getWorldDirection

getWorldDirection(target: Vector3): Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getWorldDirection

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:353


Name Type
target Vector3

Returns: Vector3

# getWorldPosition

getWorldPosition(target: Vector3): Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getWorldPosition

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:350


Name Type
target Vector3

Returns: Vector3

# getWorldQuaternion

getWorldQuaternion(target: Quaternion): Quaternion

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getWorldQuaternion

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:351


Name Type
target Quaternion

Returns: Quaternion

# getWorldScale

getWorldScale(target: Vector3): Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.getWorldScale

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:352


Name Type
target Vector3

Returns: Vector3

# hasEventListener

hasEventListener(type: string, listener: function): boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.hasEventListener

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/EventDispatcher.d.ts:34

Checks if listener is added to an event type.


type: string

The type of event to listen to.

listener: function

The function that gets called when the event is fired.

▸ (event: Event): void


Name Type
event Event

Returns: boolean

# hideSelectionLine

hideSelectionLine(): void

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:108

Returns: void

# hoverOff

hoverOff(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.hoverOff

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:52

Returns: void

# hoverOn

hoverOn(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.hoverOn

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:50

Returns: void

# isChild

isChild(componentId: number): boolean

Inherited from RoomleComponent.isChild

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:64


Name Type
componentId number

Returns: boolean

# loading

loading(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.loading

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:54

Returns: void

# loadingFinished

loadingFinished(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.loadingFinished

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:56

Returns: void

# localToWorld

localToWorld(vector: Vector3): Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.localToWorld

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:302

Updates the vector from local space to world space.


Name Type Description
vector Vector3 A local vector.

Returns: Vector3

# lookAt

lookAt(vector: Vector3 | number, y?: number, z?: number): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.lookAt

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:314

Rotates object to face point in space.


Name Type Description
vector Vector3 | number A world vector to look at.
y? number -
z? number -

Returns: void

# preparePreview

preparePreview(): void

Inherited from PreviewComponent.preparePreview

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:84

Returns: void

# raycast

raycast(raycaster: Raycaster, intersects: Intersection[]): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.raycast

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:355


Name Type
raycaster Raycaster
intersects Intersection[]

Returns: void

# recursiveMeshes

recursiveMeshes(): Mesh[]

Inherited from RoomleComponent.recursiveMeshes

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:62

Returns: Mesh[]

# remove

remove(...object: Object3D[]): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.remove

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:324

Removes object as child of this object.


Name Type
...object Object3D[]

Returns: this

# removeAllMeshes

removeAllMeshes(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.removeAllMeshes

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:44

Returns: void

# removeEventListener

removeEventListener(type: string, listener: function): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.removeEventListener

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/EventDispatcher.d.ts:41

Removes a listener from an event type.


type: string

The type of the listener that gets removed.

listener: function

The listener function that gets removed.

▸ (event: Event): void


Name Type
event Event

Returns: void

# removeFromParent

removeFromParent(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.removeFromParent

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:60

Returns: void

# removeMesh

removeMesh(mesh: Mesh): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.removeMesh

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:38


Name Type
mesh Mesh

Returns: void

# removeMeshById

removeMeshById(meshId: string): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.removeMeshById

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:40


Name Type
meshId string

Returns: void

# replaceMeshes

replaceMeshes(meshes: Mesh[]): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.replaceMeshes

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:34


Name Type
meshes Mesh[]

Returns: void

# rotateOnAxis

rotateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.rotateOnAxis

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:247

Rotate an object along an axis in object space. The axis is assumed to be normalized.


Name Type Description
axis Vector3 A normalized vector in object space.
angle number The angle in radians.

Returns: this

# rotateOnWorldAxis

rotateOnWorldAxis(axis: Vector3, angle: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.rotateOnWorldAxis

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:254

Rotate an object along an axis in world space. The axis is assumed to be normalized. Method Assumes no rotated parent.


Name Type Description
axis Vector3 A normalized vector in object space.
angle number The angle in radians.

Returns: this

# rotateX

rotateX(angle: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.rotateX

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:260


Name Type Description
angle number

Returns: this

# rotateY

rotateY(angle: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.rotateY

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:266


Name Type Description
angle number

Returns: this

# rotateZ

rotateZ(angle: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.rotateZ

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:272


Name Type Description
angle number

Returns: this

# select

select(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.select

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:46

Returns: void

# setRotationFromAxisAngle

setRotationFromAxisAngle(axis: Vector3, angle: number): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.setRotationFromAxisAngle

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:225


Name Type
axis Vector3
angle number

Returns: void

# setRotationFromEuler

setRotationFromEuler(euler: Euler): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.setRotationFromEuler

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:230


Name Type
euler Euler

Returns: void

# setRotationFromMatrix

setRotationFromMatrix(m: Matrix4): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.setRotationFromMatrix

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:235


Name Type
m Matrix4

Returns: void

# setRotationFromQuaternion

setRotationFromQuaternion(q: Quaternion): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.setRotationFromQuaternion

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:240


Name Type
q Quaternion

Returns: void

# toJSON

toJSON(meta?: object): any

Inherited from RoomleComponent.toJSON

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:375


Optional meta: object

Name Type
geometries any
images any
materials any
textures any

Returns: any

# translateOnAxis

translateOnAxis(axis: Vector3, distance: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.translateOnAxis

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:278


Name Type Description
axis Vector3 A normalized vector in object space.
distance number The distance to translate.

Returns: this

# translateX

translateX(distance: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.translateX

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:284

Translates object along x axis by distance.


Name Type Description
distance number Distance.

Returns: this

# translateY

translateY(distance: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.translateY

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:290

Translates object along y axis by distance.


Name Type Description
distance number Distance.

Returns: this

# translateZ

translateZ(distance: number): this

Inherited from RoomleComponent.translateZ

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:296

Translates object along z axis by distance.


Name Type Description
distance number Distance.

Returns: this

# traverse

traverse(callback: function): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.traverse

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:357


callback: function

▸ (object: Object3D): any


Name Type
object Object3D

Returns: void

# traverseAncestors

traverseAncestors(callback: function): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.traverseAncestors

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:361


callback: function

▸ (object: Object3D): any


Name Type
object Object3D

Returns: void

# traverseVisible

traverseVisible(callback: function): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.traverseVisible

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:359


callback: function

▸ (object: Object3D): any


Name Type
object Object3D

Returns: void

# updateMatrix

updateMatrix(): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.updateMatrix

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:366

Updates local transform.

Returns: void

# updateMatrixWorld

updateMatrixWorld(force?: boolean): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.updateMatrixWorld

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:371

Updates global transform of the object and its children.


Name Type
force? boolean

Returns: void

# updatePreviewPosition

updatePreviewPosition(intersectionPoint: Vector3): void

Defined in packages/common-core/src/webgl/roomle-component-factory.ts:106


Name Type
intersectionPoint Vector3

Returns: void

# updateWorldMatrix

updateWorldMatrix(updateParents: boolean, updateChildren: boolean): void

Inherited from RoomleComponent.updateWorldMatrix

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:373


Name Type
updateParents boolean
updateChildren boolean

Returns: void

# worldToLocal

worldToLocal(vector: Vector3): Vector3

Inherited from RoomleComponent.worldToLocal

Defined in node_modules/three/src/core/Object3D.d.ts:308

Updates the vector from world space to local space.


Name Type Description
vector Vector3 A world vector.

Returns: Vector3